Chapter 36

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Skylars pov

I wake up the next morning in the spare bedroom, I check the time and it's almost nine o'clock, last night I went straight to bed I didn't bother waking Harry up. I get out of bed and go to the storage cupboard where we keep all our things and grab a suitcase, I go in to Harry's room and he is sound asleep nothing will wake him up.  I go to the walk in  wardrobe and start packing some of my clothes and putting it in the suitcase.

"What are you doing " I hear Harry say in his morning voice standing over me  "packing " I say quickly whipping a tear that I didn't even know I had "skylar" he hufs leaning his back on the wall a few meters away crossing his arms " I don't want you to leave, just listen to me, please" he says,his voice breaking causing me to look up at him.

We walk out to the bedroom and we sit down on the bed, " look, I love you so much and the last thing  I want you to do is leave, I have missed you so much these past 2 months and the day you left I broke down everything was going wrong and it was when I needed you the most, loosing the baby was the worst thing that has happened,us,and I just wanted you to listen to me but you just left" he says braking down in tears causing me to cry too "I'm sorry" I tell him my voice braking "and I know you said this time apart was to get our heads straight but I just couldn't, I needed you I tried to act strong for Darcy but I just couldn't so I turned to the drink hoping everything will just go away" he says as the tears roll down our cheeks  "I'm sorry" I repeat whiping the tears away still sitting in front of each other "and the reason I said that yesterday was because I know how close you and Blake have-" "no Harry Blake and I are just friends " I cut him of and he nods "I don't want to loose you" I whisper scared "that's not going to happen " he says pulling me into his chest letting all my emotions out.

We lay down cuddled up in bed for the next hour, just in each others embrace nothing better "babe?" He whispers looking down at me "hmm?" "I want us to buy our own home a fresh start, start house searching the 3 of us" he says with a little grin "I would love that" I smile up at him as he leans down leaning in kissing my lips softly and I immediately kiss back, he slides his tongue across my lips begging for an entrance and I soon accept, the kiss gets heated,he hovers over me and I could see his bare chest with all his tattoos that I must say is a turn on, he continues kissing be before getting interrupted by the doorbell "just ignore it" he mumbles "Harry it might be your sister " I tell him sitting up in bed causing him to groan "it's not, it's your brother" he groans staying in bed rapping himself up in the covers "my brother?" "Yeah I was supposed to go training today " he says "oh so this training business was true then?" I joke causing him to roll his eyes. 

We ignore the door, Harry's commands and he leaves "see I told you he would leave after a while" he says and I just pull faces at him causing him to tickle me to death "Harry stop stop stop noo" I laugh kicking my legs and he just continues "Harry "I laugh even more and he is now on top of me "I missed you" he says stopping what he is doing hovering over me "me too" I say as I lean up to kiss him smiling in between the kiss "get of you elephant we have things to do" I say as I push him of me causing him to laugh

Once I finish my breakfast I put my plate in the sink and wash it up "I won't be long I'm going to pick Darcy up" he says as he puts his coat on entering the kitchen giving me a quick kiss "I love you" he says grabbing his car keys of the counter "are you sure you want to go?" I ask him just in case he is feeling like shit "it's fine babe " he smiles at me "drive safe" I shout as he walks out.

I might as well make the most of getting ready because once Harry comes back there is no way I can do my makeup decent specially my eyeliner, I go upstairs and have a quick shower once I finish I get dressed in my skinny black jeans and a stripped jumper, I straighten my hair and once I do that I grab my phone to start a live instagram while I do my makeup "hi guys" I smile at them as I grab my primer and I see loads of comments and hearts popping up "where have you been this whole time" i read "I took some time off social media, i was on Ellen yesterday and I explained a bit of what happened on there but I will do a video and explain a bit more for you guys" I tell them as I put my foundation on "ask me some questions and I will answer as many as I can until Harry comes back" I tell them as I continue with my makeup "where is your favourite place to visit or where would you like to go" I read " hmmm my favourite place to visit would probably have to be Spain I did grow up there since I was 4 until I was 18 but Paris is also very pretty and I would love to go to loads of places but new York maybe" I say as I try to read more questions "who is your fashion icon?" "That's a hard one, but definitely Winnie Harlow such a babe" I say as I continue putting my foundation on "where is Harry and Charlotte? " I read "Harry has gone to pick Darcy up and Charlotte is with her family " I tell them "how much has Darcy changed since you have met her "not gonna lie she has changed a lot everyday she does something new and I have seen her grow and it's amazing she is just so sweet and crazy I am just going to snuggle with her all afternoon" I smile as I continue with my makeup putting my mascara on "how did you and Charlotte meet? Did she also grow up in spain?" I read "my parents and her parents are really good friends so we met thanks to them and she did live in spain for about 5 years but came back to england when she was 10 but we still saw each other on holidays quite often" I tell them and I hear the front door open "moma" I hear Darcy say and some little footsteps come up the stairs "that's the monkey back" I tell them as I turn round in my seat seeing the door open causing her to squeel in excitement running towards me "hello monkey" I smile at her as she runs in to my arms "say hello to everyone " I tell her pointing to the screen and she goes shy causing me to giggle.

After doing my makeup with Darcy on my lap I turn the live streem off and sit her on the bed "who done your hair Darcy? " I ask her and she pulls a thinking face "was it auntie Gemma? " I ask her and she shakes her head no "was it uncle Michal?" I ask her and she nods her head "yea uncle mi" she smiles as she plays with my makeup brush, she is just so cute "well hello" Harry says entering the room coming over giving me a kiss "I just got of the phone to my mates friend who is an estate agent and he said we can view a few houses today if we want " he says excitedly "that's great " I smile at him " I will phone him back at tell him around 3 o'clock" he says as he looks at the time "yeah" I tell him and he walks out the room "oh and by the way you are looking hot in them jeans" he says poking his head through the door.

It's almost 2 o'clock and we have just finished lunch,Harry cooked and it was delicious and now he is just cleaning up while Darcy and I are cuddled up on the sofa watching pepa pig on the ipad "my two beautiful girls" he says as he lays down next to us resting his head on my chest "babe?" he whispers looking up at me "I'm sorry about last night, I don't know what I was thinking I was a dick but I promise you this will be a fresh start" he whispers as I stroke his head "Haz I told you its fine" I tell him "I know but I don't want you to worry about me thinking it will happen again because it won't just thank you for not leaving us" he says in a more serious tone "I love you" I smile at him leaning down to give him a kiss "and can I tell you something? " he says sitting up a little,  to face me "sure" "this might not be the right time but I'm ready to start again you know, to try for a baby, you might not be or it might be too soon but when you are i would love to have a family with you" he says causing me to smile "soon" I tell him and he smiles laying back down on my chest.

"Come on Darcy we have to go" Harry says as he takes the ipad away from her putting it on the table "no" she cries "oi none of this" he says being ferm with her and she just haves a strop in the corner "come on Darc let's put your shoes on" I tell her as I sit down on the sofa waiting for her to come  "dada no" she says as she comes up to me so I can put them on her "no daddy isn't going to put your shoes on I am " I tell her "yet mama" she says causing  me to giggle a little at her little tantrum and Harry just shakes his head putting his coat on. 

Once we are all ready we leave the house to meet the guy "let's see if we are lucky" he says as he turns the engine on.

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