Chapter 54

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Skylark's pov
Its the next morning and today we have got a busy day a head of us, the salon is going to be very busy having many stylists there, makeup artists and photographers and lots of models for a collaboration we are working with, this is also going to do well for our S&S salon business.

Once I get dressed in
I get to the salon at 7.30 in the morning and start to prepare everything everyone will be here by 8.45 If Harry knew I was here this early he would probably kill me but the reason I'm here this early is because I have an appointment with my midwife at 8.15 so if I leave everything ready for Stacey she won't have to do anything and hopefully I'm here before everyone arrives which I will be without a doubt.

"Ok so everything is here ready I shouldn't be long, my appointment is at 8.15 but my midwife told me that she will be able to see me before" I explain to Stacey "sky don't worry don't,rush everything is going to be fine" she explains

I leave the salon and get in my car. I arrive at the hospital and wait outside my midwife's room " skylar Winters it's good to see you" she smiles guiding me in to her room "so tell me is everything ok?" She asks concerned "yeah everything is all good I just wanted to ask some questions" I tell her "sure" "well as you know Harry has been away for some time and one of the first appointments I had with you you advised me no to travel by plane" I explain to her "yeah, I mean it's totally safe to travel by plane while pregnant but one of the reasons I advised you not to was because I don't  want your stress levels to rise or for you to get anxious during the travel none of that is good for the baby" she explains "and specially if you get bombarded by paps" she continues on saying and I nod in understadment " was you thinking on travelling then?" She asks "yeah... Harry is away at the moment and he won't be back until March  time and I was thinking of going as a surprise seeing as his birthday is coming up" I tell her "I mean go for it but make sure you avoid all of what I said" she explains and I smile "so it's totally fine? I mean I don't want anything bad to happen" I tell her remembering my previous experience "yeah of course but just remember what I said" she smiles "and one more thing" I tell her "sure" she smiles she sits upright in her chair "would it be possible for you to do a scan to find out the gender and put the results in an envelope?" I ask her, my plan is to go and see Harry and give him the envelope so we can find out the gender together "sure of course I can" she smiles.

I lay down and pull my top up also unzipping my high wasted jeans slightly and she puts the cold gel on my belly "I'm nervous" I tell her with a nervous laugh "it's okay to be nervous" she smiles as she concentrates on the screen "baby is looking good and healthy" she smiles as she continues with the scan " your going on 19 weeks, so it's currently a size of a mango" she informs me "that's crazy" I smile "considering I'm 19 weeks is the size of the bump normal? I mean it's quite small don't you think?" I ask her "of course I mean it also depends on your body shape too, but there is nothing to worry about, it's a nice little bump you have" she says as she wipes my belly down.

She leaves the room quickly and I get up from the bed and sit in front of her desk "ok so here you have the envelope and I have also put in a few copies of todays scan for you both to see" she says as she hands me the envelope "and no cheating" she laughs causing me to smile "thank you"

I arrive back at the salon at half past eight, I'm glad she could see me early "I'm back" I shout as I enter the salon "hi girl! How did it go? What did she say? Oh and before you say anything Harry phoned me to ask where you were you wasn't answering your phone" she says "uugh I left it in the car" I huff "wait what did you say? You didn't say I was at the appointment did you!" I ask worried if she has she has totally ruined the surprise "no! I mean I almost did but I didn't I said that you was here at the salon but you popped out to get some breakfast for us" she explains "thank god" I say in relief, I need to stop forgetting my bloody phone Harry gets way to worried if I don't answer.

"Good morning!" Lou says as she walk through the doors "morning" I smile "oh my god I'm so excited" I cheer. I'm really looking forward for this day it's going to be long but it's going to be great, having everyone here doing what we love and then having an amazing photoshoot it's just so exciting.

We get started as soon as the models come in, And I start with the makeup as Stacey and Lou do the hair leaving Laura and Shawn dealing with the clothes and also helping out with the makeup. Laura and Shawn are Lou's friends who are really good makeup artists well good at everything to be honest,we also have Tom and Max doing the photoshoot later on so that's all good.

"Hey sky how did you get on today?" El asks opposite me as they do her hair and I'm doing another models makeup "really good actually all good news" I smile as I concentrate on the foundation "that's great so you get to fly over and see him?" She asks "uhmm" I nod as I blend it all "once I get home I'm going to book a flight" I smile as a turn around to grab another makeup brush "wait what!" Lou asks totally confused "I'm going to see Harry, but you guys can't say anything it's going to be a surprise" I tell them "I went to see my midwife today to asks if it's all okay to fly seeing as she didn't recommend it at the start but she basically gave me the all clear as long as I don't stress myself out" I tell them "oh my god that's great" Lou says as she curls the models hair "I just hope he doesn't find out, hopefully I can be there for his birthday. I will need to phone Anne at some point so hopefully she will be able to help me and also I'm going to surprise him with the gender of the baby" I smile as I turn back around to continue with the makeup "wait what?" "You know the gender" "okay okay you didn't mention that part" they all say bombarding me with questions causing me to laugh "no I don't know the gender, my midwife done a scan this morning and put the results in an envelope that I'm going to open with Harry when I get there" I explain "that's really sweet" El smiles.

The morning goes on and we eventually finish with the models and they go straight to get their photos "ok girl sit your ass down here, it's your turn" Lou says as she makes me sit down "what?" Ok I'm confused "ok so I have just seen a message from Harry's management saying that Harry is flying in today last minute changes" she starts to explain as she rushes over to get the hair products "I don't understand"  I tell her "let me finish, he is flying over today, to London to go to the Brit awards. At first he wasn't meant to go but everything has changed last minute. I have just literally seen the message, I'm sure Harry has told you but you have left your phone in the car" she explains and tears roll down my cheeks. This can't be true. "And what you are going to do is you are going to go to the Brit Awards to surprise him there, so whatever you do don't answer any messages from him make him think you are busy" she explains "I. Can't believe this" I say not knowing what else to say I'm speechless "and he won't be able to go home or anything, he won't have time, he is going to land and from there they are going straight to the Brit Awards so that's even better" she explains.

Daddy Harryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن