"How does The Beatles sound? Please Please me." He asked, getting the record out of its cover. Twist and shout began playing and Joe sat back down. Harley wobbled over, bobbing her head to the song.

"Come on, come on, come on, baby! Come on and work it out!" She sang to the music. Joe watched in awe as she confidently sings along. She knew all the words, sipping her beer along. She went over to the console, grabbing another controller, falling over on her way back. Right onto Joe. She giggled wildly.

"By chance have you been drinking before I came over?" Joe asked, smiling as Harley fell onto the floor.

"Maybe one or two beers came into view." Joe grinned more, choosing his character and waiting for Harley to settle down. He finished his drink and grabbed another one. He wanted to be on her level of drunkenness so it was not as awkward.

"You know," Joe began, "if you pick a character the game can start." Harley rolled her eyes and began picking, as Joe too another sip. "Please don't yell when I win."

"Can't promise anything because that is not going to happen." Joe laughed as Harley teased him. They began the game, nudging eachother to make them lose control, Harley even trying to throw him off by flirting with him, and when that didn't work she tried grabbing the controller.

"Hey!" Joe shouted, pulling the controller back over, "No cheating!" Harley, who was still holding onto his controller, was pulled along. Onto Joe's lap. The game had been paused quickly by Joe, who wanted to see where it could go. Their hearts beat at a thousand miles a minute. Harley looked down at Joe, her hands had found themselves wrapping around his shoulders. Joe's hand now wrapped around her waist. A strand of hair fell over Harleys face, so Joe went and tucked it behind her ear. Harley bit her lip, wondering who was going to kiss the other first. As Joe leaned in to kiss Harley, they were stopped by the sudden sound of knocking on the door. Harley, who had been scared by the sudden sound that came from silence fell off Joe's lap. She sat up quickly, tucking the fallen hair behind her ears.

"Uh who is it?" She called out, gathering the beer bottles and running them to the bin.

"Its Jude, and I am upset! I need a drink, and I brought wine!" Joe rolled his head back, sexually frustrated.

"Just a second Jude!" Harley called again, running over to Joe. "Quick, run into my room. Follow me." Joe followed Harley to her bedroom and into her closet. "Stay here." She said, and before turning away, quickly kissing Joe on the lips. He started to grin as the door slammed into his face. "Coming!" Harley yelled, opening the door.

"Took you long enough!" Jude said, scanning the room. It had been cleaned of beer bottles. "You were playing Mario Kart?" She asked, inspecting Harley.

"Uh yep."

"By yourself?"

"Uh huh.." Harley knew what was happening. Jude was a lawyer and could get the truth out of anyone. But she had to keep trying.

"With two remotes?" Jude raised her eyebrows. "Harley, who's scarf is that? And uh, nice jacket. Put it on I wanna see how it looks." Harley sighed, picking up the large jacket and putting it on.

"Ok you got me. You walked in at the worst time too!"

"Oh please don't tell me I cock blocked you..?" Harley turned to her, putting the jacket down and crossing her arms.  "Omg, I cock blocked you!" Realization soon came to her face. "Where is he?"

"He climbed out the window?"

"And fell thirteen storeys? I think the fuck not!" Harley sighed at Judes potty mouth. "Come on I wanna see who he is!" Harley attempted to stop Jude, who was running throughout the apartment, wine bottle still in her hands. She opened Harleys bedroom door. "Oi! Who is in here? I am sorry I cock blocked you!" She said giggling.

"Oh God, Jude! Can you not!" Joe could barely contain his laugh, so he covered his mouth to stop his laughing.

"Oh my, Harley, is he naked? Is that why you hid him?" That broke Joe. He laughed as hard as his body let him, wheezing in breath. "Found him!" Jude said, opening the closet door to Joe, rolling around on the floor in laughter. "Holy crapballs! You were gonna fuck Joe Mazzello!" Harley put her hand to her face and shook her head. Joe stood up, coughing.

"I should get going." Joe started, attempting to walk out, but quickly being stopped by Jude.

"Um I think not. I will be going to Andy's, you two are staying here." She said, winking to Harley, who was still mad and sexually frustrated. She walked to the kitchen and placed down the bottle of wine. "You two are getting drunk and starting again." She winked again and walked out, quickly yelling, "Bye horny bitches!" Joe cracked up laughing again, holding onto Harleys shoulder for support. Harley looked over at him and bit her lip.

"Wanna grab the bottle?" She asked, Joe's eyes widening, and he nodded hesitantly. "I just want to drink to forget that happened. I mean, I am drunk enough already but that doesn't mean she had to come in an-" Joe stopped her talking by grabbing her face and planting his lips on hers, she grabbed his hair and joined into the kiss. Suddenly Joe pulled away.

"Two glasses?" He asked, smirking. Harley put her head back in frustration.

"Just bring the damn bottle over!" She yelled. Joe walked over, undoing the lid quickly, then passing it to Harley.

"Ladies first." He said, watching as Harley bit her lip and began drinking. He knew why she was continuously biting her lip, it was to punish him for getting up from the kiss. Well, that's what he thought anyway, in Harleys mind she was just trying to be sexy. And to try and turn him on. Joe was never as confident as he was around Harley. He would never have pulled away from a kiss, just to annoy her.

"So, shall we watch Jurassic Park?" Harley asked. Joe nodded as Harley got the movie up. Joe looked over to Harley and his heart beat faster than ever. "You know you're beautiful, right? Your ex was stupid to let you get away." Harley slid over to Joe and began kissing along his neck and lips. Joe stiffened then relaxed saying, "But I sure am glad he did."

Hi everyone
I felt like this was moving a bit fast so get prepared for the next chapter >:)
Love whoever reads this, and I hope you enjoy that I actually post!

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