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[ jisung pov ]

i slowly opened eyes as i familiarised myself with the surroundings of my living room. i was sleeping on the tattered couch, awaiting for the results of my mom. rring, rring. the sound of the aged nokia cellphone rang. i picked up as i flipped the phone open, "this is seohan hospital speaking, is this park jisung, son of ha seowon?" i immediately got up from the lying position and replied, "yes, i'm on my way."

"alright... please prepare yourself mentally first." i got confused and started doubting my hope. was mom alright? i hung up and quickly went out of the house towards the direction of the hospital.

[ chenle pov ]

as i walked out the house, ready to explore the wonders of the new city i was in, i saw jisung running fast down the stairs. curiosity got the better of me as i decided to follow him, even though i knew i was being nosy.

i had to run to keep up with his pace. he seemed like he was in a rush. as he slowed down, i looked up at the tall building. seohan hospital. a hospital? i followed jisung to the counter without him knowing, as i heard him conversing with the nurse at the counter,

"which floor is the emergency room?"

"6 floor. once you get out the lift, turn right" and go straight to the end."

"okay thanks."

he walked to the lift, but before waiting for it to come down completely, he ran to the stairs. the lift door opened and i stepped inside, pressing the button for the 6th floor. it arrived soon and when the doors slowly opened, jisung ran past. he was such a quick runner, even though the lift stopped two times before the 6th floor. i quickly exited, wondering why he needed to go to the emergency room, and followed jisung, stopping a few metres away when i saw a doctor talking to him.

"i'm sorry, your mom didn't make it to the 85% survival rate." the doctor and nurses in bloody surgical uniform bowed their heads down.

"how could you! you said she would be okay! you liars!" jisung screamed. he pushed the doctors as he wailed loudly. he weakly fell on the floors of the hospital. i took action and immediately ran towards him.

[ jisung pov ]

as i cried and wailed, i didn't notice a pair of arms wrap around me and someone pushing my head against something. i looked up and saw the familiar shade of turquoise green hair. chenle. i hugged him back without knowing and cried.


we sat silently on the benches at the hospital park. i sobbed a few times, before chenle asked, "i'm sorry. about your mom. i'm sure she was a really good person."

i nodded at his reply and asked, " how did you know i was here?" he nodded replying, "i knew you were gonna ask that... i followed you, i saw you running down the stairs at the studio apartment. i have a habit of being nosy, sorry."

i mumbled an "its okay." before looking down at my hands again, wanting the dreading awkward silence to leave.

[ 3rd person pov ]

a few minutes passed before jisung opened his mouth, saying, "could i lie down, on your lap for a while?"

chenle found himself flustered before nodding. jisung placed his head on chenle's lap gently, being extra careful not to make him feel uncomfortable. tears unknowingly fell onto chenle's lap.

"it's okay, just cry. let it out." chenle said, after he felt the droplets of water seeping through his thin jeans. he gently brushed jisung's head that was facing him, careful not to use too much strength, like he was a fragile piece of glass, in fear he would break further.

then, jisung silently cried, as they stayed in that position for a while.

hello! i'm back, sorry if the different povs were confusing. so this chapter was about jisung again. i teared while writing this chapter. i will put a picture of who the chapter is gonna be about so look out for that too! hope you like the plot so far!

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