This is *so* sad, can we get 7 likes?

Start from the beginning

Ichigo seemed to choke a little, and caughed as if caught off guard, "Why would I be helping Ishida? He can take care of himself," At least he's good at pretending not to be panicked.

Owen butt in, probably tired of keeping quiet, "That's funny," What's funny is that he's not laughing, "What are you hiding, then?" Owen's definitely not stronger than Ichigo by any account, but he caught him by surprise when he pushed the door open.

Ichigo let out a startled yell when Monica walked in after Owen carelessly, she wasn't exactly surprised not to see Uryu, but instead Rukia in her gigai.

Ichigo stared at Monica, she was radiating disappointment, but her aura wasn't pulling off it's usual intimidation with Owen trying not to laugh behind her, "Yeah, this plan is going super well," The sarcasm really made Monica wanna punch him in the face.

Rukia was standing next to his bed with a friendly smile on her face, she waved happily,  "I take it you are some of Ichigo's new housemates?"

That seemed to snap Ichigo out of his shocked state, he waved his hands around a little worriedly, "This is not at all what it looks like!"

Monica laughed a little at him, "Don't worry, I know what it is, you were asking her for advice?" She crossed her arms with a huff, "Y'know, I really thought we were passed this by now," she started to drag Owen out of the room, "Whatever," She looked back at Rukia for a moment, "Make me proud," with that, they were gone.

They joined Alicia and Zee on the couch, both of which had already pulled out their homework from the past two days. Monica chose to vent to Alicia about how slow everything was going while she drew on her homework (Alicia had pulled it out for her in hopes it would inspire some work ethic). With nothing else to do, Owen watched the TV, still playing Bleach's only cannon show, the one with Don Kanoji.

Then, a knock at the door. Monica shot up, not bothering to get any of the actual household members to answer the door. She opened it happily, despite strong protest on Alicia's part.


Yay! Uryu's at the door, a real sight for sore eyes, albeit his hesitant posture and worried expression. Monica just wanted to uncomfortably hug the boney kid for the rest of her life.

His worry quickly turned to confusion when it was Monica answering the door, "Yes. I came here to speak with Kurosaki," He had a rather stern voice, but the effect was kinda lost when you saw how nervous he was.

Monica's smile dropped from over eager to a little genuine, "Yeah, of course," Uryu looked at her, but seemed to look right through her, if the dark rings around his eyes were anything to go by, fatigue was probably the culprit.

She opened the door with a swing, and allowed him to let himself in. While he closed the door and took off his shoes, Monica rushed over to Alicia, "Keep him entertained, Rukia's upstairs," She said in a hushed tone, already on her way to the teen's room.

Alicia stared at the entrance with a blank expression, was she really expected to talk to this guy for over 5 minutes without him trying to leave? She doesn't have the best memory, but she can't seem to recall a time where she had even tried. She looked to beside her, Zee didn't care, as to be expected, and Alicia trusted Owen with these fictional characters less than leaving them with Monica.

Ishida walked in, back straight as a stick and overall posture stiff and obviously uncomfortable. He bowed with a muffled "Sorry to intrude," before sitting on an unoccupied spot.

Alicia squinted her eyes at him, it's already awkward.

Monica was already knocking her fist repeatedly onto Ichigo's door, not keen on keeping Uryu waiting. After hearing a groggy 'Shut up, I'm on my way' in what was most definitely Ichigo's voice, pissy and gruff, she thought about stopping with the incessant knocking, but continued anyway.

The door swung open and Ichigo emerged in some pijamas, "Whaddya want this time?" Well at least Rukia was gone.

Monica glared at him for a second, "You're going to bed? What the hell?" She checked her wrist, pretending as if she wore a watch, "It's probably like 7, at the latest," She swung her wrist around to prove it. He didn't answer immediately, and within those few seconds, Monica recalled the times that she went to sleep at noon and decided she no longer cared what Ichigo had to say, so she waved her hand in front of his face to indicate this, "Yeah whatever, I'll be right back."

The next person to knock on Ichigo's door was not Monica.

Alicia tried not to wince when Monica plopped on top of her and Zee, she didn't try so hard to stop herself from hitting Monica in the shoulder at her actions though. Since Zee didn't get the brunt of the blow, he wasn't getting mad, he was just laughing at Alicia's pain (which got her a hit to the shoulder as well).

A few minutes passed and the three shifted a little (a lot) to regain some comfort. "Why did you send Ishida up anyway?" Alicia asked, looking down from the TV.

Monica straightened out her limbs and rolled off the couch, right onto the floor, but shot up almost immediately after. With a confident pose, hand on hip and the other in the air, she exclaimed as if she had come up with the very idea of brilliance herself, "they will have sex!" And non-surprisingly, she said it grinning.

Zee started laughing, but Alicia kept her straight face, the corners of her mouth tilted upward slightly, but her dead eyes were more than enough to convey just how convinced she really was, "they barely talk to each other, what makes you think they're about to do anything? I wouldn't be surprised if Ishida already left through the window, honestly," Alicia was the one to say it, but the look Zee gave Monica said he would've said the same thing.

Monica waved them off with her unshaken confidence, "It's always the same plot, trust me," she held out her pointer finger, "step 1: the build-up, or the constant life or death situations they've been thrown in to," she added another finger, "step 2: the climax, the whole fever thing," she winked as she held up three of her fingers, "step 3: conclusion and confession, which has yet to happen!"

Alicia got up just to hit Monica, and sat down with a 'thump' immediately after, "no," simply said, yet a big impact, enough to piss Monica off.

Monica wagged her finger violently, "wanna bet? Yaoi may always show up on your instagram feed, but that is nothing in comparison to my years of experience with smut!" Another confident pose suggested Monica wasn't joking.

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