I took her to my penthouse and I freaked it

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For the first time in Monica's high school career, she has arrived early to class, Zenith noted. Zee was awake when Monica wrote the letters, so while he hadn't contributed to their cheesiness (if anything, he stopped Monica from writing anything explicit), he was well aware of everything written on them.

Which is why, he thinks, Monica was so early, seated proudly and with great posture, in her assigned seat. Since she doesn't look like she's going to do anything questionable at any given moment, Zee stopped focusing on her and went back to the book he found. It was kind of a joke, it's main theme being alchemy and other miscellaneous magic type subjects. It was good enough, it provided stories about the demons and spirits behind each spell so it kept him busy.

His attention was removed from a spell concerning teleportation and brought to the loud conversation being held between two friends that had just arrived, one of them, he recognized as Kurosaki or Ichigo or whatever his first name was and the other must've been one of his friends. Actually, now that he's looking, he can tell the conversation was fairly one-sided.

When Ichigo told the guy to shut up, he heard the name Keigo. Oh yeah, he sits next to me, he suddenly remembered, his face was relatively forgettable.

Keigo evidently wasn't affected by Ichigo's harsh words and continued with his whining, "How can you of all people get a love letter?" He wiped invisible tears from his eyes and continued, "My little Ichigo is growing up, some girl is in love with you!" Wow, that was a quick change. That guy acts like Monica at the very peak of some obsession, on meth.

Speaking of Monica, Zee looked back to his friend. She wasn't paying attention to the conversation, too busy with whatever she was doing. It wasn't too obvious from Zee's position behind her, but could make an educated guess and say she's drawing.

The bell rung rather suddenly and there was a rush of students entering the class and settling into their seats. A few minutes later, when everyone was calm, Ishida walked in with a faint blush on his cheeks.

The teacher entered and apologized for being a few seconds late, he set his things down and began the lesson. Zee let his focus drift, after a conversation with Monica, he realized that doing his work here was kind of pointless, but it was still hard to break the habit.

It was weird how they were in Japan but everyone spoke English, just adding to the unsettling feeling from being there. It was for the best, of course, it would've been a disaster if all they could do was sit and wait and hope that they could return. At least now they can do that, as well as entertain themselves while they wait.

Going between his book and thinking about random things passed the time fast enough and eventually the bell rang for break. It was kind of a surprise when Ichigo walked up to Alicia's desk and put all the candies he'd received from Monica on her books.

"Look," He said calmly, "I don't want to hurt you but I really can't have any sort of relationship right now," And everything in Zee's brain stopped, even he could feel the embarrassment radiating off Alicia. Monica's ridiculous giggle definitely wasn't helping.

Alicia standing up was enough to kick-start Zee's brain back up. A punch to the orange-haired kid's abdomen seemed to release all of her anger. Zee knew the guy was some sort of fighter and it probably didn't hurt too much but the element of surprise was on his friend's side and therefore, she got him good.

Monica's laughter just got worse with the turn of events, and it looked like all that did was motivate Alicia, "I am in no way interested in you, and I'm not so unoriginal as to put a love letter into your locker, even if I was. Which I'm not. So maybe look around and realize that maybe, just maybe, whoever left that note was someone you actually know. You're so dense," She took a deep breath and walked towards Monica.

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