Usami and Kakashi are one in the same

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Oh, wow.

Today's kinda nice, huh? A beautiful day with the sun shining and birds chirping. It's a little chilly, but nothing too overpowering, and the sun's strong enough to warm you up out of the shade anyway.

So, who in their right mind would go on a walk with an umbrella? Well, you'd be correct in guessing the wannabe vampire herself, Monica. Most people would think twice before going outside in full head-to-toe coverage, most people weren't Monica. Most days, she'd avoid even leaving the house all together, but today was a special exception: she was actually spending the day, which happened to be a Saturday, with her friends.

Her friends being, Alicia and Zenith, of course. Alicia had initially frowned at the "amazing attempt to appeal to DIO" (as proclaimed by Monica) but remembering that she had given up on the girl ages ago, she concluded Monica would probably give up on the umbrella and shed at least one sweater before the day was over.

Zee, however, had a little bit of a different reaction, as they always do. At first, they were too invested in their book to really pay attention to what Monica looked like, but after sensing the two sets of eyes staring at them, chanced it and looked up. All it really got from them was a brief chuckle and a small "Good job, Monica." before they went back to reading.

Moving on from the introductions, they agreed on going to the park (not without an objection from Monica, which got ignored), and were currently on the way there. They met up at Alicia's and took off almost immediately, okay, well immediately after raiding Alicia's fridge and stealing some of her Easter chocolates. After a while, Alicia was able to steer the conversation from one of Monica's conspiracies about whatever it was this time to something that'd been on and off of her mind for the past few weeks.

"Remember those stories you used to write about us? I think you started one this year, are you ever gonna continue it?" She asked, after lecturing Monica about how she should look both ways before crossing the street.

Monica looked to her, then looked to Zee, and then did that awkward thing she did when she avoided questions, like if she made it obvious enough that she didn't feel like answering something, the asker of said question would back off. Normally, she had no such luck, especially not with Alicia. "Uh, something like that," She gritted out in an even more purposefully awkward way.

Alicia rolled her eyes and then leveled a look at her. With Monica, it was like a 1 in 10 chance that you'll get an answer out of her, the chances you'd get a straight answer out of her were exponentially lower. "That's not an answer," She said it, despite knowing full well no matter what she says, Monica would just reply with half-assed answers, if at all.

"I guess you'll find out soon enough," Monica replied, accompanied by a wink in the general direction of both her friends. Before Alicia could reply, or even really process what she said, Monica took the first entrance through the fence and started running down the hill, her umbrella held her back a little too much so it was thrown to the ground.

There goes the umbrella, Alicia thought.

"Monica! Pick up your damn things, I'm not doing it for you!" Alicia called down the hill, referring to the forgotten umbrella. There was no response and although she was sure Monica had heard her, she was also sure Monica was going to pretend she hadn't.

Alicia ended up picking up the umbrella.

The day passed fairly quickly, they gave up on the park pretty fast, since the only thing teenagers their age went there to do was drugs. They then decided on a local restaurant that served some decent lunch food, Monica was a lot more open to that idea since they had good iced coffee and in Monica's words: "Coffee equals energy and energy equals hamon." Unfortunately the only person who would get that joke is currently in Pierrefonds so she just did an overly dramatic pose until Alicia and Zee nodded and smiled.

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