"A'ight man," he chuckled, shaking his head and waving her off. "Whatever. It's cool though. Tit for tat Semaj. I'm done with this. I'm done with us. You hear me? Since you so badly needed your fuckin space and time from me I'm givin' it to you. Ima give you all of it. Cool?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, taking a few steps closer because he had backed up toward the suitcase.

"What are you talking about tit for tat? Tit for tat?What's that supposed to mean?" She paused, reading his clenched jaw as if it were words on a page. Her eyes widened at the realization that settled in her heart. "You didn't...."

And just like that it shattered into a million pieces once again. It was like a punch in the gut as his eyes told her everything that his mouth did not. She had felt it in her gut a long time ago, but she didn't believe it. Michael would never. Her Michael would never hurt her that way, but as she thought about it the more sense it made.

Then she saw red. Rage filled her bones and she went for him. "You son of..."

She screamed, her fist pounding into his chest, his arm, and even one connected to his cheek. The tears that had been droplets at first turned into a waterfall and soaked her reddened face. Her swings kept coming, her words that once made sense turned into gibbers as she cried and took out her frustrations on her husband.

Michael grabbed her, finally breaking free and getting the upper-hand. His arms wrapped around her, holding her fist against her stomach to control her hits. Her back pressed against his chest as her cries broke his heart into two. Her head fell back on his shoulder as they both dropped to their knees his arms never once breaking the hold around her body.

She cried out to God and shook her head back and forth. She tried to get him off of her screaming for him to let her go. Screaming for him not to touch her. His grip loosened and she turned in his hold, pushing his body away from hers.

Michael let her go and Semaj turned, allowing him to see the woman he had broken.

But as she stared into the brown eyes that she loved so much she saw the pain she had caused him too. The pain they had caused each other showed in the state of their bedroom. Where they had broken the vows they'd said to one another four years ago. The promises that they'd written in stone to never hurt one another under any circumstances.

No tit for tat's.

But as they sat there on the floor of their bedroom: their hearts shattered, lies, betrayal, and jealousy playing as the common denominator in their downfall, a little thing called hope hovered over them. Hope that true love would prevail in the end.

Michael looked at Semaj, her knees to her chest and arms wrapped around her legs. Her tear-soaked face lied on top of her thighs, looking in the other direction. Fifteen minutes they had been sitting there listening to Semaj sniffle and occasionally let out a small sob before she eventually stopped all together. Until silence covered the room completely.

With a sigh Michael got up from the floor and went back over to his suitcase to pick up the pile of belongings that had fallen out when Semaj tossed it. He just grabbed it in handfuls and dumped it back in the bottom of the suitcase not caring if it was folded or not.

Once he had his clothes thrown in he zipped it up as best as he could and stood it upright, leaning it against the bed. He gathered his other items knowing that both of them staying in the house tonight was not the best idea. For it would only make things worse.

He was almost over the bedroom threshold when Semaj spoke for the first time within the last hour. Though it hurt her too much to even look at him she forced the words out of her mouth.

"What happened to us?"

Usually Michael had the answer to her questions when it came to their relationship, but this particular one had him stumped.

Ever since the incident he'd felt Semaj pulling further and further away from him and finding solace in another man who was not her husband. But because he loved her he waited for her, hoping that she'd come around and when he thought she finally did he learned that it was only so she could be in close enough range to drive a knife through his heart.

He looked at the back of his wife's head and she turned, allowing him to look into her red and puffy eyes. "I don't know Semaj. I just don't know."

A room is a still a room, even when there's nothin' there but gloom
But a room is not a house and a house is not a home
When the two of us are far apart
And one of us has a broken heart

Waiting For You | Michael & Semaj || COMPLETED!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora