Chapter 15 - Stories of Betrayal

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry about the long wait but my laptop has been malfunctioning lately and I lost quite a bit of progress with my stories :( so that was a major setback. Here's a new chapter anyhow! Enjoy!

Electra’s POV

            “Just eat it, Robbie. Starving yourself won’t heal Zesius any faster.” I pushed the bowl of bean soup towards Robbie who stubbornly pushed it back to me.

            “I’m not hungry.” He scooted closer to Zee’s bed and grabbed the elf’s limp hand. I’ve never seen Robbie so devastated before.

            “If you don’t eat it I’m going to pin you down and dump it down your throat,” I warned. It’s been three days since Zesius was stabbed, and Robbie hasn’t left his side. Not even when Kye and some other elves took him into one of the back rooms to operate on him. He lost a lot of blood and his lung was punctured but Kye said that she had faith he would heal.

            Despite Kye’s reassurance a somber atmosphere pervaded the castle as if they were preparing for a funeral. Many elves came to visit the prince, and I could tell by the look on their faces that they didn’t think he was going to last very long. It made me mad that they didn’t have enough faith in their prince.

            Robbie has been very short tempered with everyone, and insisted that he sleep in the bed beside Zesius’. I didn’t know he felt so strongly about the prince, but I suppose almost loosing someone makes you realize how much they really mean to you. I’m also thinking that Robbie also feels it’s his fault. That somehow he could have warned Zesius before his brother stabbed him. Who would have thought that Larsius would stab his own brother? The whole situation was beyond ridiculous… Robbie really just needs to eat his bean soup.

            “Robbie Coleman, eat your supper now!” I glared at him with my patented I-mean-it look. He stared back at me with his tired pale face. He looked so unbelievably sad that I immediately softened my facial features. “When Zee wakes up he’ll be upset that you’re not taking care of yourself,” I said.

            Robbie looked back at the elf’s unconscious form and then back to me. “Oh, alright. Give it here.”

            I handed him the soup and lay back at the end of the cot, satisfyingly watching him scarf down the food. “Thanks for not giving up,” he said in between a spoonful of soup.

            “Elves are strong. I believe he’ll pull through,” I said.

            “So where do you think Larsius went?” Robbie asked.

            “I don’t know. It’s a mystery, isn’t it?” I said. Robbie had to recite the horrible story over and over again, first to the king, and then to the infirmary staff, and then to the other elves that visited the elf prince. Apparently, after Larsius stabbed Zee he took off to the stables. While everyone was worrying about Zesius Larsius must have escaped. He and a few other elves he was closest to are gone. The weird thing is their horses are still here, and the guards in the gatehouse said no one left that castle at that time.

Xonteaus visited the infirmary often, to see how his son was fairing. He put new rules in force, locking and barricading the castle and warning his people there is an uprising ahead. I guess he’s preparing for war. It’s strange because I remember Nairomi said the Lithe people were was a peaceful race, but then again, he did say there was something that Robbie and I needed to do when we came here. I guess I didn’t expect the action to happen so fast.

As I sat across from Robbie, pondering what to do next my thoughts drifted to Olian. I had secretly been sneaking out and visiting him for the past few weeks. At first his reception was a bit icy. He plastered himself to the back wall of his room as if he was scared I would attack him. I knew why he was hesitant though. He was scared that he was going to hurt me. No matter how good it feels to obey the curse, he doesn’t like to give it what it wants. That’s why I believe he is stronger than he seems to think.

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