*Extra* kidnapped pt.2 end

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no ones pov

her cries and screams echoed throughout the whole entire mansion, no one was there to hear her pleas. her voice grew more and more raspy with every scream she let out, it felt like her voice box was slowly destroying itself. she let out another useless scream as jacks clawed hand took a swing at her and sliced open her forearm, the warm blood oozing out and dripping down onto the cold floor. the air hit the open wounds leaving a stinging sensation, she just wanted it to end. she was tied to the chair unable to move, but the clown failed to notice her freeing her left hand. she swung hoping she would get a good hit but he caught it and smiled widely, "you really think you can escape me, ill teach you a lesson you wont forget" he dug his claws into her wrist, every second he tightened his grip. she screamed and screamed feeling his claws piercing her skin, touching the bone of her skinny wrists. "please stop, why are you doing this to me?" she whimpered out, aware that this was her last day alive. "because your a little bitch, we don't need another reason" candy pop spoke coming up behind from jack and pushing him out the way. his claws were roughly yanked out of her arm causing her to scream once again, her arm falling limply beside her numb and weak from blood loss.

readers pov

this is it, in the end you die one way or another. but i didn't think it would be by the people i once was friends with, i didn't ever think my lover would betray me like this. no. he would never, i know Jason, he would never lie to me. my thoughts ran wild as another wound was engraved onto my body but this one lasted longer, i looked down at my stomach to see candy using a knife a dragging it down my shirt and pulling off my trousers leaving me in just my bra and underwear. i began panicking and thrashing around as he smiled and dug the knife against my stomach, i screamed once again, the knife digging into my flesh ripping it open. warm blood poured out and continuously dripped down my bare legs making me shudder, he kept on carving into me like a pumpkin. he pulled away and smirked at his masterpiece and so did jack, looking down my eyes began watering more at the sight before me. there written into my stomach was the words 'dirty little whore'.

"how does it feel to have that carved into you, do you feel like the slut you are ahaha" my whole body was in pain but i really didn't care, it was like i had become an emotionless doll. empty. "just kill me already, get it over with" i weakly mumbled using my last bit of strength. "okie doki, sure thing its about time we finished you off anyway." jack laughed out walking behind be bringing his clawed hand up to my neck and resting his talons on my skin, candy pop nodded and jack pierced my skin. blood seeped out as he put pressure down but before he could end my pathetic life the door burst open, "(Y/N)!!" that familiar voice sounded graceful as it rang through my ears. my head shot up and my eyes widened, the life and hope returning in them.

My smile dropped seeing the many cuts on him and the many knives sticking into his injured body, he pulled out the remaining knives and threw them to the ground but kept two in his hands. he turned to me and i could see his rage grow more and more by the second as he saw the blood and the words 'dirty little whore' cut into me, his hair turned white and his hands turned black up to his elbows. "how dare you hurt her, you'll pay for this!" Jason charged at candy pop digging the knife into his chest. candy quickly pulled back and held his hand over his open wound, Jason swung again this time slicing his cheek open. but before the fight could continue slenderman teleported in, and everyone froze in fear. his eyebrow area furrowed in anger and his voice sent shivers down our spines as he wrapped his tentacles around candy pop and laughing jack, "you two shall be punished for this" he looked at Jason and then at me, "Jason, take care of her quick, before she bleeds out." he nodded and teleported off leaving me and Jason alone. he ran to my side and immediately kissed me passionately, i knew they were lying.

"lets get home, ill help fix you up." he cut the binds that held me down and wrapped his arm around my waist to help me walk, he opened the blue door and led us back home. he has some explaining to do and some making up to do, but for now, ill just use him as my errand boy ahah. i'm joking, but a few errands wouldn't hurt him after he is healed right? Na he'll be fine.

I'm going to kill Candy Pop and Laughing Jack the next time i have the chance. but for now ill just take it easy and heal up my wounds. what a shitty day its been. and some people complain about there day, saying they've been through hell ahah what bullshit there speaking. just look at me, i look like Zalgo ate me and shit me out, but shit out blood with it.

(sorry if this offended anyone, i never intended for it to hurt you. just trying to add some dark humor. anyway i apologize and sorry if this chapter is bad, ive just been out of it lately)

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