*Extra* obsessed with her part 2

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I groggily woke up and waited a moment for my eyesight to adjust to the darkness of the room, the memories came flooding back and I began thrashing around. The sounds of chains clanking against walls echoed through the room as I struggled for freedom, my arms were chained above my head. "H-help" my voice was raspy and felt like my throat was slowly tearing apart but I continued screaming out in vain begging to be saved. The familiar salty liquid dripping down my cheeks and finding there way onto my lips, some finding there way onto my nose and dripping onto the floor as I leaned my head down in despair squeezing my eyes shut hoping it was a cruel dream.

"P-plea-se, w-what did I d-do to des-erve this?" I couldn't control the tears and I couldn't swallow the saliva that had built up in my mouth. My head had grown too heavy for me to hold up so I let it hang, I began silently screaming and tightly shutting my eyes as the tears dripped onto the floor. My saliva traveled slowly onto my lips and dripped onto the floor to form puddles of bubbles, a string of saliva dangled from my lips. The door opened and immediately my head shot up making the thick liquid break and drip down onto my chin, "my my, your a mess dear. Such an ugly state your in right now, here let me help you clean up." The red head walked over to me and kneeled down in a proposing position, his tall posture still towering over me.

I refused to look him in the eyes and turned my head to the side to show that I didn't want to talk to him, he roughly grabbed my chin with his thumb and finger. He forced me to look up at him and when I did I was captivated by his golden eyes, he smiled down at me as he inspected me. I swear I saw a tint of bright green flash in his eyes as he crazily smiled down at me, he caressed with chin and wiped the spit off with his thumb. "Such beautiful eyes, they hold so much fury and hurt" his thumb still caressing my chin but it caught onto my lip, he slowly dragged it across my lip as he stared at them "such soft lips" his eyes were now filled with curiosity and...lust?. He slowly leaned down and my eyes widened when I came to my sense, but before I could react he slammed his lips onto mine. They were surprisingly warm he pulled away and smiled once again "you taste very sweet, doll" I know this wasn't right but I couldn't help but blush at his comment, it all felt so right.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?!" I spat out after lifting my chained arm to wipe off my mouth, but it felt like the touch of his lips still lingered there. He let out a dark chuckle and he placed one of his arm beside my head, his hand pressed up against the wall behind me. "Well you see, I adore you. And i just had to have you all to myself, seeing you with that pathetic human boy was revolting. So, I took you where you belong" he smiled and while motioning his hand to show me around the now bright room filled with dolls. His smile dropped and a deep frown replaced it, his once golden eyes now glowing an luminous green. "I'll never belong here, the only pathetic thing here is you. Taking something that doesn't belong to you, someone that doesn't belong to you. You kill for your own satisfaction, now that's pathetic!" I screamed out through tears, blinded by rage I didn't realise what I just did. He began growling through gritted teeth, his hand was roughly wrapped around my neck and the cold wall met the back of my head. The impact made me gasp and more tears fall from the pain, he leaned in closer and spoke with venom lacing his voice. "Listen here doll, you belong to me so behave like the little good girl you are and you won't have to get hurt." More saliva fell from my mouth because of the sudden loss of air, just when the pain was becoming unbearable he let go and his eyes went back to the honey colour. "Are you going to be good for me now?" He said with a gentle voice but I could clearly hear the threat, I nodded and he smiled pulling me into a hug. I'm just a doll to him that's all Ill ever be, he rubbed circles into my back and chucked darkly into my ear. "Your never leaving this place, your staying here with me forever."

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