Chapter 18

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I was still kneeling in front of her but a stinging sensation was all I could feel, my heart seemed as it was in my throat as it grew hard to swallow. I held back the tears that threatened to fall from my golden eyes, "I-it's me, Jason" I managed to choke out but she shrunk back into the wheelchair when I reached a hand out to touch her cheek. "J-Jason" I felt relief and happiness wash over me as she said my name, 'she didn't forget me after all'. The smile on my face disappeared as my hope was shattered and it was as if time stopped "who is Jason and where am I....Who am I?" She looked up at me with the same look of innocence I use to admire so much. I let my red bangs cover my eyes as I slightly leaned my head down and stared at her knees, I looked back up at her with a gentle smile on my face and my eyes closed as the tears dripped down my cheeks and off my chin into her lap. The close eyed smile I wore was filled with immense sadness and guilt, her expression softened as she lifted a hand up and wiped away the tears that continuously dripped from my puffy red eyes. The same upset smile on her face as she spoke "listen, I may not remember who you are but I know that this (y/n) girl is really important to you. So please don't cry, I'm sure this (y/n) will get better and you can see her again soon" she rested her hand on my right cheek and I leaned into the warmth and placed my hand on top of it and placed my fingers between each of hers. "Yea, I'm sure she'll come back to me one day. Till then I'll just keep waiting, because I love her" I let go of her hand and stood up wiping the tears away with the back of my hand, sniffling I helped (y/n) stand up. She leaned up against me for support and wrapped her arm around my neck, "hey mister, you seem really familiar. I think I remember you, we use to bump into each other in town and we never really spoke after that." Her words hurt me but the smile on her face always made me that little bit happier "y-yea" I put on a fake smile and tired leading her to the bedroom, once she was in i gently placed her on the bed. "Get some rest, call if you need anything" before walking out and shutting the door I quickly said something and watched the horrified look on her face "my names jason by the way" I shut the door and walked to my workshop and all the anger inside me was too much, I started destroying some of my dolls and ripping them apart. While throwing the tools across the room "damn it!!"

Readers pov
"My names Jason by the way" he said and shut the door, my face contorted into a horrified expression 'why is that name so familiar'. I felt numerous tugs on my heart like it was trying to bring back a long lost memory, but nothing came to mind. 'It's probably nothing' I ignored the weird feeling in my gut and tried falling asleep, blocking out the loud shouts of anger and the banging in the other room.

I was laying in the mans bed staring up at the ceiling unable to move by myself, the door to the room opened and I turned my head to see a creepy ass clown sending me a sympathetic smile. "Hey kiddo, if you don't remember me I'm jack. We use to be good friends, just came to check on ya" he approached me and sat on the edge of the bed by my side, I didn't fear him because he also seemed quite familiar too. "Well hello jack, it's nice to meet you and I'm sorry I have no memory of you" "it's alright" he ruffled my hair with a very large clawed hand, "just glad your hangin in there, I've got to go sorry but I have business to attend to" I gently smiled as he began walking away and shut the door after him.

Jason the toymaker x reader more than friendsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें