*Extra* saved from the rake part 2

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"(Y/n) dear, where are you?"

Readers pov
It was now getting dark and the sun had already set, I didn't want to admit to it but I was lost. But I really couldn't care at this point, I've lost everything and even the one that I once loved cough Jason cough.

I swear to god that I keep hearing rustling behind me but I just ignored it, probably Jeff trying to scare the shit out of me. But the sudden sound of a twig snapping echoed throughout the forest making me freeze in fear, that's when I realised I was in.....rake property. Jason always told me to stay away from here because it was the most dangerous place in the woods, and that when your in there's no way to get out unharmed or alive.

I was frozen in true terror as my body began shaking, a low growl came from behind me but I refused to turn around. "Why are you here all alone girl" it asked as it jumped out in front of me making me jolt holding a hand over my mouth stopping me from screaming, "I-I'm not a-lone, j-Jason I-is c-coming for m-me" I let out shaky breaths cursing myself for stuttering 'I know he isn't coming but I said it to make the rake back off'. "Well he isn't here now and it looks like he thrown you out anyway, and might I say you look delicious" gag I began gagging in my head wanting to do it in real, I kept my gaze on everything but the man like creature that crawled around on all fours. My eyes widened as he ran at me and pinned me to the ground, he began clawing at my stomach.

Blood seeped through the huge gashes on my stomach. I pushed the thing off me after failed attempt and screams, I ran as fast as I could. I don't know where to but away from him, "Jason please help me, I'm sorry I was such a jerk I just missed spending time with you. I was jealous because you spent all you time making your dolls then with me and it hurts. I missed being in your embrace and having your warm hands touch me, I missed your loving kisses. I'm sorry and I love you" I shouted out while tears continued to fall down me red cheeks, the creature still on my trail. "If that's how you really felt" I saw a flash of red and a muscular arm wrapped around my waist "why didn't you tell me" the familiar voice shouted as he shoved his foot into the rakes face pinning him to the ground. I looked up to see the familiar green eyes looking down at me with concern, even more tears welled up as I sobbed into his chest.

"Lets go home" He pulled away and saw all the cuts on my body and the blood that had rubbed off onto his clothes. "But first I must do some unfinished work" he let go of me and slowly approach the rake kneeling down to his height looking down at the crushed face. "Touch her again and you won't live to see another day you vile creature" he spat as his hair began turning white and look of disgust spread across his face. He stood back up and calmed down pulling me into a tight hug, he gently grabbed my hand and began leading me back where I belong...his home. His long red hair blowing as the wind blew across his pale face. "Are you struggling" without looking back at me he asked that random question, I didn't reply and saw him look at me from the corner of his eye. He suddenly stopped making me walk into his back 'ow' I could no longer feel the floor underneath me and saw that he had picked me up bridal style, I was about to argue with him "just rest" he said never taking his eyes off of the path in front of us. I slowly began to nod off in his warm arms leaning my head on his chest.


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