*Extra* badly broken

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"It's all your fault! I'm messed up because of you! You've fucked me up and now I'm slowly going insane, I'll fucking kill you!" I shouted while swinging the sharp kitchen knife around trying to injure the mahogany haired clown. "You'll pay!" I swung once again failing miserably but I still continued to fight.

"Hahah this is fun!" He laughed out while stepping back skilfully dodging my strong attacks, "aw poor (y/n) getting all hot and bothered." Jason pouted laughing out making me pissed. "Don't Baby me! I'm no longer a child! You don't need to watch over me anymore! I'm free to do what I want so back off!" That moment his eyes glowed a luminous green as he swiftly moved his hand and tightly grabbed my hand that was holding the knife. "It was my job to take care of you. I will decide when I stop watching over you" I roughly pulled my hands out of his tight grip and the sudden release made me stumble backwards and trip over my feet. My eyes widened and my hair danced around my face as I fell backwards and twisted my ankle, a scream of pain leaving my plush lips. My body was curled into a tight ball hugging my knee to my chest while holding my ankle in place "oh dear now look what's happened. You really need to stop fighting me love, your the one that ends up getting hurt" He said while kneeling down his eyes going back to the normal golden colour.

"I don't need you, Let me leave. Please" I whimpered and looked up to see that familiar sadistic smirk, "oh love, you know you need me. After all, I give you everything you want. I taught you everything you know now, I showed you how to feel emotions I shown you how to love. And I know you enjoy it when I fuck you senseless, so you can't say you don't need me dear" he said seductively, he managed to force me to the ground. His hands pinning my arms above my head, he slowly began to lean down his mahogany hair lightly brushing against my face. My face blushed red in realisation at what he said "JAS-" my words were cut short when he suddenly slammed his warm lips onto mine, catching them in a rough but passionate kiss. I seemed to forget the throbbing pain in my ankle and melted into the kiss, I pulled away for air and spoke up "I hate you" he smiled down at me licking his lips "I love you too" he leaned down once again and kissed me yet again. And we had a very heated make out session on the floor.

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