*Extra* them or me, you choose

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Jason has been going to the mansion a lot lately, like everyday. He always comes home intoxicated and would always put his hands on me. but when i didn't want it, he would snap at me and occasionally throw a few punches at me after dragging me by the hair and slicing up my arms and legs. hes changed, and not for the good. im slowly loosing the feelings i once i had for him, if he carries on im done. i dont know what hes been up to but i know it involves that jester and clown, im giving him once last chance because i really did love him but if he fails this ill loose all feelings for him.

"Jason, dear. are you going out again tonight, if so, mind if i tag along?" i asked putting on the sweetest voice i could, he only turned his head to look at me and then looked away. "yes dear i am, its not a good idea for you to come. candy pop will try getting in your pants again, and this time i wont be able to help because im drinking again." he has no idea what he does to me does he. all the physical and emotional pains he puts on me when he gets drunk. "oh, well then have fun love. ill see you later tonight i guess" tears were threatening to fall and he noticed. "ill try and be back sooner i promise, i love you." he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. he let go and headed for the door, "take care, dear" with that he was gone, walking away to the mansion to get drunk once again. i have a plan.


i walked into the mansion and greeted everyone, BEN gave me directions to where Jason was and i followed as said. loud laughter filled my ears from numerous males, the door was slightly open so i peeked through. i saw candy pop, laughing jack, no surprise there. and puppeteer wow, that is strange its really rare to see him there. i looked around and my heart dropped and broke into a million pieces as i saw a girl sitting on Jason's lap, kissing him...he was kissing back. i ran out the mansion crying with everyone looking at me worriedly. im done. i want to get away from him as quick as possible, how could he, i thought he loved me.


no ones pov

the toymaker had returned stumbling side to side, "(y/n)!" he called out multiple times but he never got an answer. "maybe shes out killing" he decided that was the reason why she wasn't there and climbed into bed, falling straight asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows. he never noticed the neatly folded note beside him laying on the bed side table, and he never did until the morning and she was long gone by now.


Jason woke up to an empty space beside him on the bed, that's unusual. (y/n) was always beside him, it was only now that he released the white note laying beside him. his body shot up and grabbed carefully unfolding it like it would break if he used the slightest bit of pressure.

dear Jason, my dear.

ive left you, you dont have to deal with me anymore, ill no longer be a burden to you. ive had enough of your constant drinking, you never knew what you did to me. have you always wondered why i had all those bruises and cuts on my body in the morning, well it was because you beat me to a pulp, until i couldn't scream and move. and then i saw you...kissing another girl, i really thought you loved me, i guess not. i was in for more then i could take. anyway, im out of your hair now. i loved you but ive given up on you, you have hurt me in everyday. this is goodbye, my love. im so sorry, it was me or the drinks and you chose them. i understand.

from your once dear (y/n)

tears dripped on to the paper making the letters smudge, his green eyes burned with anger, but not at her. he was at angry himself for doing all those things to hurt her, he cant forgive himself and he was going to get her back.

readers pov

i was back home, my old home. the one with my mother and little brother, she was surprised i had come back but accepted it. we are now sitting at the table talking and Jake my little brother was in the front room playing with his toys. "so what happened, why'd you come back" i just shook my head, a loud scream came from tthe other room making us stand up and run to Jake. "Jake!" Jake was screaming and crying while thrashing around, "Jason let him go!" i shouted at the toymaker taking a step closer, my mother looked at me with shock and fear "you now this man!?" i ignored her and kept taking slow steps forward.

"dear, please come home. im so sorry for everything, i never meant to hurt you. ill never drink again i promise, just please just come back to me love." i could see that he was being honest, he looked like he was on the verge of tears, something rare for him. he let Jake go and he walked up to me and stared down into my eyes. "please". i couldn't help but wrap my arms around him, "you better take more care of me next time" he just chuckled and said 'i will, i swear', he picked me up bridal style and carried me through the blue door. my mother and Jake standing there in shock as the door disappeared behind us.

"ill always pick you over them, i love you dear"

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