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Days were passing by quickly, weeks melting into months. Brandon and James were now a constant fixture on the youtube community and among the social media. Their shipping name Jandon was hashtag in every picture and edited videos from fans. Most usually the videos will show them hugging and kissing, sometimes just staring dreamily at each other while grinning like fools.

Brandon was obsessed with physical contact, hugs and kisses were his go to whenever he stepped into the same room as his beautiful boy. James' friends who started coming by the big house more and more were groaning and moaning in frustration from the constant love display.
"Stop coming over then" Brandon said to Laureen one day after he devoured James'mouth leaving the boy dazed and his lower lip red from biting at it.
"I didn't say I don't enjoy the view" Laureen complained from the couch where she was sprawled with the rest of their friends "but give us, single people, a break. I can't keep up with all of these mushy corny love" but nothing discouraged Brandon or James who kept touching and hugging. They would kiss and nuzzle each other's necks just before things would heat up and they would upsolutely have to leave the room.

Brandon loved taking his boy out, holding him tightly to his side, showing him off as he always kept saying jockingly. He loved taking his boy out for dinner and walks but unfortunately on the same time this simple thing was becoming more and more challenging.

James popularity seemed to skyrocket, especially after their shared videos and Instagram lives. In return their fans seemed to get a bit crazier with both boys. Girls would come up to James while they were out with friends asking for selfies as always but they seemed more and more bold and even more touchy. When a girl would just touch James while talking to him or grab his hand and hug hum it would infuriate Brandon to no end. He had always been a possessive person, but his relationship with James seemed to test his limits. 

The new trend now was getting out of the house with a security detail. A guy Brandon had personally picked was following James around whenever he wasn't with him. And this made so much sence since malls started now closing down when James would even be sighted there. People flood the corridors outside the shops James was in and demanded selfies and autographs. It all seemed as if the two boys had no privacy anymore. However fans seemed to keep their distance from Brandon when they saw him in real life maybe due to his cold demeanor or perhaps his dirty glances or they way he would stand in front of James covering him even from the most persisting fans. In the comments below their videos though ut was a different story. There people felt secured by their anonymity and things could get weird. People kept commenting how Brandon looked always so transfixed at James, how easily he seemed to loose his train of thought if James smiled at him and then proceeded to make out with him. Or they would comment on how totally in love the two seemed to be and how Brandon was so protective over his boy, which was making fans in return obsess over the big guy declaring that they were even falling in love with him.

"Ok. Check this out" James chuckled and stretched even more his legs over Brandon's. "MelaniaJ22 says Brandon is my dream man, I'm getting all hot and bother by just listening to his voice" James' girly voice tickled somewhere inside Brandon's ears "They are in love with you" the boy giggling oblivious to his effect on the bigger man
"Mm" Brandon hummed distracted and with a huge smile run his hands over James naked legs.
"I like these shorts" he said absentmindedly, eyeing James' shorts for the tenth time while his hands roam up and down his naked thighs. James legs were thin and soft, hairless and pale under Brandon's tanned calloused hands.
"Mm..This Carl Victor says that if I ever stop pleasing you he would gladly suck your.." James gasped in shock "people are so tactless" he ticked and narrowed his eyes "as if I will ever stop pleasing you" James purred and shot Brandon a devilish smirk.
Brandon chuckled and run his fingers over James' covered groin.
"I think it's time you pleasure me now then" he leaned forward and lay on top of his boyfriend, his hand between them. His fingers opening James buttons and with a swift motion forcing both his shorts and his small silky underwear off of him.
James gasped at the sudden exposure of his body, his chest rose and fell as his lips were captured in Brandon's demanding heat.
"Need you now" Brandon grunted and rocked his hips into James, his clothed dick rubbing on James' naked one.
With a shaky breath James managed to keep on talking "but there is more" he whined and turned  his head on the side staring at the screen of his phone, leaving Brandon sucking at  his neck.
"Thi user says that if she sees you in public she will knock me out and jump you" James managed laughingly among gasps of pleasure.
Brandon's head shot up so fast from James neck where he nippled at a sensitive spot leaving the boy suddenly feeling cold.
"That's not funny" he hissed and stared at his boy's eyes. "These 'fans' of yours are getting a little out of control" he shifted his weight on the side of James now looking furious.
"Baby" James realizing how really worked up Brandon seemed to be, he run his long pointy nails over the musculine guy's shoulder. "These are just silly comments, nothing more"
"A girl forcefully kiss you the other day" Brandon exclaimed angrily.
"She was just kissing my cheek" the boy looked away while he obviously lied to his boyfriend. He had felt really awkward that day.
"She jumped at you and started kissing you!" Brandon's voice rised in anger "if I wasn't there.." Brandon shook his head so angrily that his words came as a hiss.
"But you were there and nothing happened" James tried soothingly never stopping running his long nails soothingly over his man's shoulders and sculpted chest.
"I don't like this" Brandon sighed and James winced at that.
"This? You mean us? Our situation?" James asked carefully in a small voice almost afraid of the answer.
"What? No! James never" Brandon's resolute voice made James'stomach unravel "Hey..look at me babe. I don't have second thoughts about us. No. I just don't like the way everyone thinks they can simply come up to you, touch you or kiss you" the older guy explained while moving to cover James'body with his own.
"But this is how it is. YouTube is my job. And fans are part of it. I understand some boundaries are needed but this is it. All this comes with me. I'm like a package deal" James half sitting now, his half body naked gesturing wildly while his face beamed red. His head though was held high as much as possible while semi pinned on a couch.
Brandon smirked and leaned over his boyfriend kissing the edge of his lips lightly. He looked adorable when he tried to get all serious and angry "I know and I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere Jamie" he sealed his promise with a hot open mouth kiss, his tongue darting inside James as the other gasped, tasting him, exploring him.
"Nowhere" James thought he heard and felt his heart melting while being kissed. His poor heart which was ready to jump out of his chest.
"I love you" James simply said and smiled at his boyfriend who stared at him with worshipping big eyes.
"Mine" Brandon groaned and once again attacked his boy with kisses and love bites before grabbing his member. He leaned down and took it in his mouth, he wanted to taste James so bad, needed to show him how much he loved him, how much he meant to him.

He sucked and licked eagerly, making James moan and swear.
"Fuck, this is so good" the young man screamed just when Brandon deepthroated his leaking cock.
"Oh gosh! Fuck me" the youtuber exhaled deeply, grabbing Brandon's hair trying to yank him away from his hard member.
"Brandon" he whined when the bigger guy didn't bulge. He kept sucking him and sucking him until he felt his body tremble, the sensation of cumming overwhelming him. James threw his head back in the couch and with his pointy nails held for his dear life onto Brandon's shoulders. Brandon's hands held James' thighs wide open and kept sucking and sucking, his wet mouth making obscene sounds.

"I'm coming" James screamed one last time before his mouth fell wide open silently trembling as his cum shot in Brandon's mouth. The bigger guy swallowed it all and licked James' cock clean.

"Mm.. I love you too James"

If you liked this book go check my other boyxboy books:

You've been tagged(boyxboy)
Mugged (boyxboy)

New complete story
Obsessed (boyxboy)

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