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Warning - Steamy sex scene ahead boyxboy in 3..2..1..

Christmas Eve found the two of them tangled in each other's arms naked, the warmth of the fireplace and their wild thrusting keeping them warm enough to be naked during December. The carpet right in front of the lit fireplace had been their place of choice for most of their intimate encounters, but from times to times they would move to the big couch of the living room just for that extra leverage they could gain for their thrusts. The two guys were now there, the big muscular one sitting on the couch while the thinner boy was straddling him on top.
Brandon had lost track of time since he had asked James not to cum. It seemed like a second ago that he had slapped James ass and demanded him to hold his release in a growl, James'eyes had gone dark from the command. But with all the boy's sexy gasps and moans Brandon was very close and he wouldn't be able to prolong their pleasure any more. His hands clenched James' small waist tighter, surely leaving bruises behind for tomorrow. His whole body thrusting wildly upwards to meet each thrust of the smaller boy, filthy squelching sounds coming from his tight well lubed ass hole.
"Braaaandon" James moaned for the another time "aaaahh" he cried as Brandon's throbbing cock wild thrusting was hitting right on James' prostate every single time.
"Yes!! Scream for me" Brandon hissed, his right hand tightly rubbed in James' hair pulling them back, forcing James to arch his neck Brandon bitting hard on his exposed skin.
"Aaaahh!!" James scream echoed in the house "pleaaaaaaase" he begged even louder his small body trembling in need, Brandon released his left hand from James waist and grabbed James cock, tugged it twice, the pink hard cock strained and ready for release.
"Come" Brandon whispered and James cum shot in command thick and hot between their stomachs. His release was so explosive that it hit Brandon's chest and neck.
James' long scream-moan had covered all and any sounds and when a voice came from the entryway of the hall "James!!" the boys hadn't registered the turning key or the door opening.
A middle aged man had run inside the house in a flash with a baseball bat in his hand, followed by a raiven-hair woman and a young boy. Brandon had reacted unconsciously when seeing those people, turning James' body over against the couch James' hole clenching violently around Brandon, who was still fixed inside him his own cock ready for release. He was now shielding with his body the younger boy and exposing his very naked backside to these people while James gasped in shock.
"The fuck!?" Brandon hissed uncomfortable, his need to come subsided while people were staring at them.
"James!!!!" The strange man yelled again and Brandon winced at James next words.

Brandon had straightened up still having his naked back at what seemed James's parents. His cock so hard that hurt. He picked up a blanket, James's favourite one, and covered the trembling boy in front of him and letting him lean his trembling body on his broad chest for support. Then he had moved both of them, James now in front of his naked body covering his obvious erection and their previous mess.
The man, James' dad was so red in the face that Brandon feared that he was about to have a stroke.
" find..travelled for hours..and he just" he was mumbling incoherently while the woman who had been shocked at first was now looking soberly at Brandon and James.
"Dad's having an aneurysm" the young boy with them seemed to come out of it first and smirked.
"Well get the bags Jonathan" she urged the boy. Brandon saw Jonathan though still, unmoving contemplating something that only just occurred to him.
"Dude I sit on that couch" he cried in disgust and James who was too shocked to speak before, narrowed his eyes and shot his little brother a "Shut up". Brandon's small smirk didn't go unnoticed from the older man who growl in anger.
James' mum touched her husband's hand reassuringly and pulled him towards the kitchen.
"Now dear, let the kids sort out their.." she coughed and smirked "stuff and we will be able to talk to them and James will explain everything in a while" her husband reluctantly followed her, shooting angry glances at Brandon and James' hugging figures in the living room. "The bags Jonathan!" she warned the other boy once again and they both saw James' brother rolling his eyes but also leave the living room, leaving the two boys alone.

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