long nails

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James walked down his house street deep in thought without really noticing where he was heading. The last three hours he had spend them shooting a colab with two other youtubers. Chase and Leo, who were a gay couple, had come over for the make up battles James had been running on his channel. Of course his relationship status or the lack of it was mentioned as always and it had turned James a bit sour. He was obviously a great host, smiled and nodded at all the right moments but his insides were knotted violently with the turn of the conversation.
"You're still single?" Chase had gaped at him with his over the top theatrical way. James had smiled but inside he wanted to scream not this again. "You seriously have to start looking at gay men" Leo had offered after a while "all the guys you want are straight. How on earth are you going to have a serious relationship with a straight man?" They had both laughed while James offered them a sad smile. He knew how bad for him was his insisting taste of straight macho men. He had to though, he had to like them because they were the total opposite of him. He was way too gay and he needed to balance it all out. He loved all stuff girly, he couldn't help it. The way he moved and talked all in big theatrical movements and with so much drama and flair in his talk that girls were imitating his style. His clothes always brands and most of the times unisex if not girly. His nails always long, pointy and polished to perfection. And the make up, oh god the art of make up was everything for him. It was the thing that made him famous on Youtube and the very thing that helped him express himself since he came out. Nothing came close to a good foundation and some smashing eyelashes to make his day. He loved his make up and he loved the way his career has skyrocket and he was now a businessman, a fabulous smashing businessbitch as he often reminded himself. With his own line of make up and his own line of clothing he was killing it. If only he could nail his own straight man for a relationship his life would be complete.
"Excuse me?" He heard a girl asking and he finally registered that he was being addressed. He shockingly realised that he was standing at the front of a queue in his favourite coffee shop three blocks away from his house and the girl at the tilt was obviously waiting his order. The words of his order unconsciously rolled of his mouth, his brain making no thought of it since it had been done a hundred times before. He was so focused on his thoughts he hadn't realized he had come for his needed dose of caffeine.

Brandon was standing in line for a coffee in a coffee shop he had never been into before. He usually had no reason to be in this part of the valley. His salary couldn't afford a single bedroom flat in this part of the city and he wasn't going to be taking any money from the family account any time soon. Not until his stuck up father would change his mind about dissowning his only son. Anyway, he had his job at the station and helping his friends out at their shop was fine for him. George wanted some samples to be delivered at a youtuber friend of his and Brandon had taken the task eagerly. He loved driving around and cruising in his car. Apparently around this place the roads were less jammed than downtown and a lot of youtubers seemed to live around here. He had just seen a guy and a crew with cameras and everything in the park on his way to the girl's house. After he had dropped the package and the girl had persisted annoyingly for him to stay for the shoot, he had excused himself, jumped in his Land cruiser and decided he needed a coffee. He parked and got out when he saw a person entering the cafe. He couldn't understand if that person was male or female but their body was amazing. Thin and not too tall, enveloped in a black hoody with black messy hair. He was certain this was a guy but then he looked down and saw a gorgeous to die for tight round ass picking just under the hem of the hoodie clutched in the tightest black leggings he had ever seen. All this complemented by some white Gucci shoes. He bolted right through the door, intrigued by this person, wanting to learn their gender.
"Excuse me?" He heard the girl at the tilt asking the person in front of him and he could only see the rise of  messy hair and the reveal of a buzz cut at the sides. He then heard the order and the voice made his cock twich in interest.
It was definitely a guy, but a gay guy. He had asked for his coffee in that long dragging way some gays would talk that made Brandon's libido rise. He could only see the guy's back but he could already guess his body was made for sex. Lean legs and sexy bum, small shoulders, not too tall but tall enough, Brandon was actually a little taller but hey at 6 foot he was taller than most guys. He heard clinking sounds and then saw the guy leaning down to catch his fallen coins. He stared for a second at the perfect sight in front of him and without second thought leaned down to help. He had moved to the side and gathered some quarters when his eyes suddenly caught something blue. He stared for a minute until his mind registered the elegant long fingers with long fingernails painted blue or purple or something like the galaxy trying to collect the coins from the floor but to no success. His throat made a groaning sound without his consent at the sight and embarrassed he quite forcefully grabbed the rest of the change and straighten. He left them fall in the guy's open palm without looking at him and growled something.
"They are too long" he heard himself saying and wanted to hit his head on the wall
"What?" The guy asked shocked and Brandon finally looked at him for the first time.
He had big black almond eyes, beautiful big sculpted eyebrows and full big lips that would be ridiculous on anyone else but on him were simply divine. His skin seemed a little irritated as if he rubbed it recently and his eyelashes seemed too dark as if painted.
"Your nails are too long" he forced himself to say not wanting to come off as an idiot who couldn't make sense but he had come as offensive nevertheless. He saw the guy, no the boy - because he couldn't be more than 20, wince and raise his chin defensively. He thought Brandon was judging him.
"Don't take me wrong, they are amazing but you can't grab a coin off the floor even if your life depend on it" he made an effort to look away, the boy was gaping at him in an adorable way. He saw the girl at the tilt looking between them expecting a fight.
"I will pay for his drink" Brandon said and made his order too while paying for both cups. The boy seemed to come to his senses and stood next to Brandon.
"You don't have to pay for my coffee" he said in a low voice that made Brandon turn to look at him. He saw the boy blushing and looking down his hands.
"You can try paying but I think it will take you more than an hour" he teased and pointed at the guy's nails. "I saved us some time" he said taking both cups at the counter and turning at the boy. "Have coffee with me?"he asked hopefully and the boy once again gaped at him. Then all of a sudden a big beautiful smile broke into the boy's face, showing off white teeth and dibbles and Brandon almost fell over.
"I would love that" he said cheerfully and turned with a flair, his pretty ass swaying and Brandon following mesmerised.

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