"Where's Sam?"

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"Ashley?" Dean repeated crouching in front of me.

I looked up at him slowly, meeting his deep green eyes.

"Ash, what's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I choked," I admitted in a soft voice.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"She was Jason's age," I whispered out.

Understanding washed over his face.

All I could think was how she was so unfairly brought into this world and how Jason was forced to be how he is.

I had to do what I had to do, I understand that, but what if that happens to Jason. What if he turns evil just like the rest and someone will have to do what they have to do.

"That won't happen," Dean said suddenly.

Was I talking out loud?

I sighed.

"But what if it happens?" I asked.

"I won't let it," Dean argued.

"You can't do everything Dean," I snapped.

His eyes started intensely into mine.

"I will do everything that can to not let it happen," He finally said.

I sighed.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you," I said going to stand up.

Dean helped me up.

Sam, Dean, and I left after looking around.

Back at the motel, I quickly changed into one of Deans shirt and laid down on the bed, wanting to ignore the world and my thoughts.

Sadly, all I could ignore was the world.

Sam and Dean stayed quiet, talking to each other over at the table.

God, I killed a ten year old.

Yeah, sure she was a monster, but that wasn't her fault.

She was brought into this world by Lacy and couldn't help how she grew up.

I feel the same with Jason.

He didn't have a choice when he became a demon, but with me not there to help him, he has to make his own choices that could potentially get him killed.

I sighed and rolled over into my stomach.

I heard the motel open and close and then a second of silence.

Footsteps coming closer told me I wasn't alone.

The bed sank next to me and a hand was laid on my back.

I knew it was Dean.

I could tell by the electric tingles that ran through my body at his touch, even through a shirt.

"We'll get through this," Dean said just above a whisper.

I chose not to say anything.

Dean rubbed my back soothingly.

After a few moments, he leaned down and kissed my shoulder gently.

He got up and from the sounds of shuffling, I could guess that he was changing into something more comfortable.

I sat up crossing my legs and looking over at Dean who was just pulling a T-shirt over his head.

I watched how his muscles contracted and rippled by his movements.

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