"Humor Me"

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Both Dean and I jumped at the sound of Bobby's voice.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at Bobby.

"Or what?" I challenged.

Sam came up behind Bobby and watched.

"Don't test me," Bobby snapped.

I could see the humor in his eyes.

I grinned and slid off the counter, making me collide with Dean since he had only taken a little step back when Bobby came in.

I shoved Dean slightly and he turned to grin at me.

"Who's hungry?" I asked catching everybody's attention.

"I'll go get take-out," Dean offered.

I cringed.

I was tired of take-out.

"No," I said. "I'm going to cook some real food."

"Take-out is real food," Dean protested.

I chuckled to myself.

"Only to you," I said patting his arm.

He swat my hand away, making me laugh.

I moved over to the fridge and open it up.

"Bobby, you have like, nothing is here," I said looking over at him.

"Well, I did until this one stayed for a week," He said pointing to Dean.

Dean flashed his signature half smirk.

"I'm going to the store and you're coming with me," I said grabbing Deans arm and tugging him towards the front door.

"Why do I have to go?" Dean asked.

"You sound like a five year old," I pointed out.

He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout, completely on purpose.

I giggled.

"You're coming because if I leave you here, I'll come back to Chinese take-out," I said.

Dean half shrugged and half smiled.

"You're probably right," He said.

"No, I know I'm right," I said.

I pushed Dean through the front door and headed for the Impala.

"I'm driving," I declared.

"Yeah, right," Dean scoffed.

I leaned against the front drivers door before he could put his hand in the handle.

"You are not driving," Dean said.

"Really, because neither are you," I said.

"I have the keys," He said reaching into his jean pocket.

I smirked and gave him a few seconds.

His grin slowly dropped when he couldn't find his keys in any of his pockets.

I held up a hand that held the keys to the Impala.

"You mean the keys that I'm holding?" I asked grinning.

"Who did you-" He started.

"I grew up with you," I said pointing at him.

I pressed my pointed finger into his chest and lightly pushed him back.

He took a couple shuffled steps back and I opened the door, sliding in.

"That's a good point," Dean said.

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