Chapter 27-Twilight's Castle And Beyond

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In the land of dreams (specifically behind two closed subconscious doors with a big 'Do Not Disturb (still!)' sign on them...

Discord floated in a large inner tube in a lagoon off of Horseshoe Bay while Celestia rested on a raft floating before him. Both beings wore sunhats and had fruity drinks floating nearby for refreshment as the sun shone brightly overhead and the blue water twinkled below.

Celestia giggled as she looked to their surroundings. "You always choose a different location for us. You'd love to travel with her, wouldn't you?" Her eyes came back to Discord's.

Discord finished a sip of his drink and gave a shrug. "She seems to like adventure, and I know some of the best places to have one. Everyone else likes her to stay in that stuffy castle all day, but I'd take her out so she could explore life, and I would explore it right along with her." He swallowed, looking down sheepishly. "By the way, it's sort of nice that you're sticking around even though I'm pretty much aware all the time now that you're a dream, and now that you're aware that you're a dream too."

Celestia smiled more. "Oh Discord, I've known I was a dream ever since your bad dream self almost took over things here. But I'm glad to stay around even if your bad dream self would rather sit and sulk at the back of your subconscious. I keep trying to coax him out so you can confront the bad things in your past more directly, but he's as stubborn as you are and won't come out until he's absolutely ready." Her eyes hazed a little. "It's sort of cute actually."

Discord chuckled. "Are 'dream me' and 'dream you' in love now?"

Celestia blushed and shrugged. "Well, you have the real Celestia to love now. I wouldn't mind having your former bad side to care for." She sipped her drink as well.

"Well," Discord sighed, "you saying that is probably some symbol for my love for my friends and Celestia giving me a final bit of healing for all the mistakes I've made. There is just one problem though." He looked down into the water. "I don't have the real Celestia to love. She doesn't love me."

"But she might someday...." The dream Celestia smiled.

Discord shrugged. "I don't know...maybe." He almost smiled a little again.

Celestia giggled. "Well, until that day happens, you can feel free to keep practicing with me." She shifted her raft closer. "Ever since that Gala, when you dream about Celestia, all you do is smile and say hello and look at me shyly and talk about little things. You can do all of that with the real Celestia even just as friends, but you can do more with me...just to see what it would be like." Her gaze grew warm. "I've missed you...and the kisses...and the nuzzles...and falling down wrapped up in each other and laughing."

"Yes, well, it's just...different now." Discord blushed so much, his eyes wide. "I mean, you know what you are, and I know what you are, and she knows about my dreams even if she'll never see them."

Celestia giggled again. "You're even a perfect gentlepony in your private dreams, and you were even before we both knew what was going on. Remember how shy you were that time I had you put your paw over my heart?" She sighed. "But can I have something small? At least call me what you called me during that dream when you realized you were in love with me. You remember..." A little twinkle came to her eyes.

Discord swallowed, and a small smile came to his lips. "Yes I do remember..." he leaned close and lowered his voice an octave as he finished, "...Darling Celestia...."

'Darling Celestia' practically beamed. "She'd love this side of you if she got to know it.... That snake tongue of yours is made of silver: no wonder ladies always used to let themselves be charmed by you no matter how much bad chaos you were spreading."

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