Chapter 24-Gala Night (Part 3)

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While a large number of the Gala guests had been gathered around Celestia and Discord for some time now, a particular group of elite ponies kept themselves just on the outskirts of the crowd to observe the situation closely as the chaos master continued floating and chatting while the sun princess laughed and occasionally interjected.

"Now he's actually showing off about his display with Tirek..." Prince Blueblood couldn't help but finally announce with a pout and scowl in Discord's direction.

"Oh," Fleur waved off Blueblood with a small smile, "he isn't showing off about his mistake, he's just talking about what happened. I suppose everypony's been curious. Though I'm not sure how Celestia can stand there smiling having to recall such a bad memory." She frowned as her gaze went back to Celestia.

"He's getting awfully comfortable using his chaos here," Upper Crust remarked as she pulled back slightly and touched her coiffed mane with a hoof. "What if one of those flying hors d'oeuvres of his hits somepony's ensemble?"

"I'm still wondering about this floor..." Jet Set lowered his head to the floor, eyes narrowed, and observed the swirling colors of chaos beneath the barrier.

Fancy Pants sighed and adjusted his monocle. "Ladies, gentlecolts, while I do agree that it might take a lot more time until we're all comfortable with Discord, I don't believe there's anything further we can accomplish by keeping an eye on him and Celestia. The evening's over half over, the princess seems happy now, and she has her fellow princesses here to aid her. Perhaps we should adjourn to the courtyard for some fresh air. Besides, it wouldn't do not to properly admire the special night princess Luna has made for us." He smiled at the party.

The four ponies looked to each other and finally nodded and then looked back to Fancy with varying degrees of smiles.

"I think that sounds like a lovely way to continue our evening, Fancy." Fleur came forward and hooked her foreleg with his. "And as you say, if Discord causes too much chaos, at least the other princesses will be the first ones to know. And if Discord and Celestia's friendship progresses to anything...serious," she blushed lightly, "certainly we'll hear about that soon enough too."

"A formal announcement at the Gala about a royal courtship would be a bold social move to witness, and a first," Jet Set remarked with an intrigued grin.

"If anypony could pull it off though, you know, it's Celestia." Upper Crust grinned in return as she placed her hoof in her husband's and the two of them started to follow after Fancy and Fleur.

Blueblood sighed as he followed after them. "Well, if Discord's even close to seriously currying that much of her favor, I just hope he's grateful. And I hope he realizes exactly what he'll be putting pony society and himself and Princess Celestia through if he does pursue a relationship with her."

The group trotted past Celestia and Discord, giving them a few last glances before finally exiting to the gardens.

Discord and Celestia, of course, didn't even notice the departure of a few ponies from the ballroom. They were too caught up in their conversation with the ponies around them, especially Discord, who floated there with his brow furrowed now as he tried to answer a very complicated question that had just been posed to him.

"...I suppose what happened was...I didn't understand how strong friendship was until I saw the girls using it to beat Tirek even when he had the magic of all of the princesses and all of the ponies and me as well." Discord looked forward as he carefully chose the right words to describe how the magic of friendship had finally shone him that 'good' was better than 'evil'. "Friendship made everything better, and I felt good when it did." A smile picked up on one side of his mouth as he looked up again. "That's how I knew I was finally a mushy, sappy, totally reformed good guy finally-when I was actually grateful that evil hadn't triumphed and when having friends made me happier than having a chance at all the power in Equestria."

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