Chapter 22-Gala Night (Part 1)

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'So...this is the Gala?' Discord sighed to himself, the look on his face a little dull. He had been full of anticipation about this night with Celestia, and yet so far the evening was starting out sort of...boring. At the very least it was anti-climactic. He had been expecting awkward situations, surprise shenanigans, humorous moments, and perhaps sudden romantic meetings that might even prompt a confession from him about his love to the fair princess he was escorting.

But instead Discord and Celestia had been just standing at the top of this staircase greeting the pony guests and giving hoofshakes without incident for the last fifteen minutes. And the chaos master would have seriously just snapped himself away to anywhere else that might be more fun if it weren't for the fact that he was now completely head over hoof and claw in love with the mare to his right who smiled at all of the arriving ponies while her hair shimmered and her eyes sparkled and her coat looked like a perfect cream-colored canvas on which he could construct the most delightful chaos.

Discord used the tuft of his tail to pinch his shoulder and snap himself out of the musings. 'Focus. Just focus. This is important to her, and you're her escort. Now stop being a nervous wreck and help!' Discord nodded to himself and then went back to diligently doing what he had been doing on and off so far ever since he had come up to the top of the staircase with Celestia: giving each guest a small wave and polite bow of his head after Celestia finished shaking their hoof. And so far he was very happy to see that very few the ponies he saw gave him neutral or even doubtful looks in return.

And as for those ponies who still hesitated in regards to him, Discord just shrugged off their responses. 'If they want to have a problem with me, let them. I'm a good person. And I don't need ponies in my life who are going to make me feel like a bad person just because I used to be one. This is a new start for me, and the sooner everyone else accepts that fact just like I have, the better.'

A break in the influx of guests came now, and Celestia glanced to her companion. "Discord," she kept her voice low, "are you sure you're happy doing this with me? I really don't want to keep you from having fun at the party."

Discord smiled a little and shrugged. "Doing the hoofshakes makes you happy. And I want to be a part of that happiness so I can understand it better. Besides, it's not killing me to make the acquaintance of some new ponies. I'm going to have to learn to branch out my friendship skills beyond Fluttershy and the girls and you and your sister at some point anyway-might as well start at the biggest social event of the year."

Celestia smiled back at him and nodded. "If you're sure, Discord. We'll be done here soon though, and then we can go off and mingle with everypony." Her smile brightened. "I haven't been able to do that at a Gala since...I don't even remember when." She thought, and then her smile fell a little. "Since before Luna and Nightmare Moon, I guess..."

Discord frowned. He considered and then put on a smile again. "Well, then you are clearly long overdue for some fun and unforgettable partygoing. You just wait until these hoofshakes are over, and I'll make sure you have the most chaotic night ever, Celestia." He winked down at her.

Celestia's smile returned. "Thank you, Discord."

"And if you really could use some more recreation and relaxation, then tonight doesn't have to be the only night that you get escorted by the master of chaos to some shindig." Discord swallowed but tried to keep his tone confident as he went on as 'casually' as he could manage. "You and I could hit the town every now and again, go out dancing or partying or maybe to a show. Whatever you'd like."

Celestia blinked twice and then smiled more. "If people think we're secretly courting now just because we're at the Gala together, spending that much time alone might only make those rumors worse, Discord. Are you sure you'd be all right with that?" She raised an eyebrow.

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!-An MLP FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon