Chapter 16-Celestia's Library and Twilight's Throne Room

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"Okay...I can handle this." Discord took a deep breath. He was currently flying over the Canterlot-area sky in the early afternoon, a familiar book about dreams under one of his arms. A determined look came to his eye as the pony princess castle came into view. "I have romantic feelings for Celestia, and I have to spend time around her because we're friends now, and I can't breath a word to her about how I'm feeling because I would die of humiliation. That's simple enough." He nodded to himself. "Yes, totally manageable."

As Discord soared over the castle grounds, he sighed and smiled a little and rolled his eyes to himself. "But I really do need to stop with getting flustered around her and spouting embarrassing stuff like that 'Auntie Celestia and Uncle Discord' nonsense at the Cakes' yesterday." He cringed a little. "It's just making me look like a nervous wreck to her. And as though she and I would ever...but then again I guess it was better than me saying 'Mommy Celestia and Daddy Discord' heh." Discord instantly blushed scarlet, swallowed, and looked away. He cleared his throat. "Okay, okay, but seriously...just calm down, Discord. So I'm smitten with Celestia." He shrugged and shook his head with a smile at the idea. "Big deal-half the ponies in Equestria probably feel the same way. I just have to stop putting so much pressure on myself about it and accept the situation, and I'll be fine." Discord flipped over to fly on his back and smiled. "And for all I know, I might even grow out of this little crush soon enough. Probably just another phase of being reformed."

Discord nodded again as he turned back over and flew toward the tower of the castle that contained the library. "I'll just keep being my naturally hilarious and witty chaotic self around her and see what happens. If she ends up wanting a date, I certainly won't say no. Who would ever turn down a clever and cute mare, after all?" He chuckled and blushed, and then Discord realized what he had just said and quickly went on as casually as possible. "But, uh...but going with the better possibility that she just wants to be friends, well, at least me maintaining our status quo on my end will let that happen. And I'll work through my little crush as best I can. I can admire her without pursuing her. Look but don't touch. Simple." Discord nodded to himself as he found himself floating above the library roof right now. "Good, I have a plan all worked out for the sake of preserving my chaos and my friendship at all costs. I like it." He grinned, and then Discord snapped his fingers.

A moment later, book still under his arm, Discord made himself appear in the Canterlot castle library. He glanced around, but the library was deserted at the moment. Discord sighed to himself and then pushed open the main doors to look out into the hallway. He smiled-sure enough, there were two guards (white earth ponies) stationed on either side of the library doors, who both now looked quite shocked at his presence, to say the least.

Discord grinned and stepped out of the library, then floated in the air just above the guards. "Excuse me, I'm in a little bit of a jam, and I was wondering if one of you could help me out." He snapped, making a jar of zap apple jam appear which he began eating with a spoon. "You see, I need to be in the library with your princess of the sun right now, and I've got the library part down, but I don't see Celestia anywhere in sight. Could one of you be lamb..." he grinned more and snapped again, this time causing both guards to change into sheep, and then he snapped once more, changing them back to normal again, "...and run and fetch her for me?" Discord chuckled.

One of the guards sighed deeply and looked to his partner. "I'll get the princess." He eyed Discord but did nod to his request and presence. "Discord." Then the guard headed off at a brisk trot down the hall.

The other guard took a deep breath and tried to keep his features neutral, though he couldn't help swallowing and glancing at Discord hesitantly.

Discord just sighed at the guard as he flew up higher to sit in the air and eat another spoonful of jam. "Oh would you be 'at ease' already or something? I'm not going to hurt you-believe me you have more to fear from Princess Luna's morning wrath than you do from me at any given moment in time."

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