Chapter 4-Secret Among Friends

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In the early morning light, Fluttershy descended the stairs of her cottage and proceeded toward her kitchen, giving a small yawn as she went on her way. "Oh what a lovely day," she cooed to herself with a smile. "I can't wait to wish good morning to all of my animal friends."

Fluttershy entered her kitchen now and paused.

There, crammed into a chair at her little breakfast table, sat Discord. He had a tea try and a platter of many colored pastries set before him along with two place settings. "Good morning, Fluttershy." He gave a small smile and waved. "I made breakfast...and tea if you'd like any." He lifted up the teapot with his tail.

Fluttershy looked at him with interest and then smiled and nodded, approaching. "Oh, um...yes, please. And thank you. And good morning to you too, Discord." She took a seat and glanced up at him. "I'm really happy to see you," she offered softly, remembering how their last time together hadn't ended on the best of terms.

Discord smiled back at her, finishing pouring the tea for them both. "I'm happy to see you too."

Fluttershy took up her cup and sipped her tea. Then she looked up at him, her voice soft and sincere. "Discord, I wanted to say again that the other girls and I are so sorry for letting things get out of hand about the Gala. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings." She frowned, her eyes shining a little as she put down her teacup.

Unable to handle that level of cuteness from her in large quantities, Discord immediately held up a hand. "Fluttershy, it's all right," he assured, smiling warmly. "I'm...sorry I overreacted a little." He sighed, rolling his eyes to the side. "Whether or not everypony heard anything from you girls, the fact that Celestia asked me to be her escort to the Gala was going to become public knowledge pretty quickly anyway, and rumors and speculations were going to start spreading. It couldn't be helped." He finished sipping some of his tea, then hesitated a little and asked, "Did I upset the other girls too much by storming off like I did?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "They understood, Discord. And I know, the rumors might have happened anyway, but we're all still really sorry, especially Twilight. Your friendship is very important to her. I'm sure she's thinking about how to help you ever since yesterday," she assured, her smile brightening. She even took a pastry now.

Discord nodded. "I see. I'll have to go see her next then. Her friendship is very important to me too." He took a pastry as well and was quiet for a moment. Then he glanced to his friend once more. "Fluttershy, could I ask you to help me with something? But I'd like it to stay between us..."

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. "Of course, Discord. What is it?"

"I want to do some very particular practicing with my magic for the Gala," he explained with a grin and a shrug. "I want to see just how...enjoyable, I guess, I can make my chaos for others besides myself, particularly for ponies." He put a hand to his chin in thought. "Of course, I'm not really an expert on what ponies like though. Actually, I'm just a touch inconsiderate, so I'm not really an expert on what anybody likes but myself." He rolled his eyes and smiled more. "Anyway, my point is, could I try some chaotic things out on you, Fluttershy, and get your opinion on what might amuse others just as much as it amuses me?" He looked to her hopefully.

Fluttershy nodded, smiling very much. "Oh yes, I'd be happy to help you with that, Discord. I think it's a great idea. But are you sure you don't want to at least include Twilight in this? She's the expert at magic, she might have some good pointers." She sipped more of her tea.

Discord shook his head though. "No, I'd rather not. I don't think I'd make the best 'faithful student' for our dear new princess." He chuckled and took another sip of tea as well. "But thanks, Fluttershy. I'll appreciate your help. I just want to be capable of putting on a good show at the Gala. It seems I'll be a central focus of the night, and I want to let others see that my chaos is good for things besides evil." He looked down, trying to seem casual but his tone full of sincerity. "It's important to me."

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