Chapter 10-What Fun Is There In Making Sense

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"I just don't know, Twilight dear, I just don't know…I think perhaps there's a teeny tiny chance I'm going just a little overboard with this design for your princess Gala gown," Rarity finally had to admit to herself, a hoof to her chin as she observed her alicorn friend closely.

Rarity and Twilight were in the Carousel Boutique at the moment, Rarity wearing her sewing glasses and with a measuring tape slung over her back while Twilight stood on a pedestal wearing possibly the frilliest, poofiest, fanciest rainbow dress of bows and ribbons and sequins and layers of fabric that Rarity had ever designed.

Twilight sighed, barely able to move her head in this get-up. "I…think there's a chance you might be right." She looked to her friend hesitantly. "Listen, Rarity…I appreciate all of the hard work you're trying to put into this, but if you could just take my dress from last year and make a place for my new wings, I really think that would be best." She tried to smile, but as she did so the movement made a tucked in ruffle of fabric loosen and spring up right into her face. Twilight grimaced and did her best to use her magic to push down the offending piece of her dress. She let out a calming breath and smiled again at her friend. "Really, just a place for my wings in the old dress would be great. I promise, Rarity."

Rarity sighed and nodded, walking around a little to observe the gown from another angle or two. "Twilight, if it gets too close to the Gala and I've come up with nothing else, then yes, of course, I'll just adjust your dress from last year and add the rainbow accents like I've done for the rest of our dresses. But for now, please just give me a little more time to try coming up with something new, Twilight?" Rarity stepped back and smiled at her hopefully. "This is your first major formal affair as a princess. You must stand out! Merely looking your best was fine for last year when you were just another guest, but this year, in a way, you're also a hostess and a major leader in Equestria besides. You deserve something to distinguish you, and I just know I can figure something out."

Twilight considered. "Well…Princess Celestia always does stand out, and I'm sure Princess Luna will too…and I do want to seem like I'm taking my leadership role seriously by emulating the two of them as much as possible…and I guess as long as you really will just fix up my dress from last year in case you can't think of your new idea for me in time…."

"Ooooh, thank you, Twilight!" Rarity came forward and gave her friend a hug (or as much of a hug as she could manage considering the immensity of Twilight's dress). "Designing for Princess Celestia, designing for Discord, designing for you…and if Princess Luna ends up wanting something from me too—oh I can't imagine, designing for all of the royals and immortals of Equestria at the Grand Galloping Gala!" She pulled back, clapping her hooves together.

Twilight just smiled and shook her head. "I'm glad you're so happy, Rarity. But for now though can I take this off?" She swallowed, trying to turn her head but barely able to. "I feel like this thing is slowly absorbing me or something."

Rarity nodded. "Yes, yes, of course. You get started on that, dear, and I'll look through some more of my design sketches for you. Now let's see…" She dashed over to her worktable to examine some of the papers there.

Twilight just managed to reach to her side with her mouth and pull loose one of the ribbons to start the process of freeing herself. "Sure, Rarity. We have a little more time before we have to meet everypony in my library this afternoon anyway. I wouldn't mind hearing about a few more of your ideas before we go." She started to use her magic now to carefully work through taking off the layers of the dress.

Rarity nodded meanwhile, still absorbed in her sketches. "Hmm…Oh, yes, of course, Twilight, the girls, I almost forgot…." She smiled to herself and then trotted back over to Twilight with her sketchpad. "Now, let's see…I could make something in a glittering, bold color and with a very long skirt to trail upon the floor behind you." She magically showed Twilight a sketch. "The extra length would not only add a regal touch to your look for the evening, but I think it would acknowledge and compliment well your newly increased height ever since becoming an alicorn."

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