Chapter 15-Cake and Chaos

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As he flew away from Twilight's castle, Discord found himself in an odd position: he wasn't sure exactly where to go next. He didn't really feel like being alone at the moment, and he had just finished a visit with Twilight, and that had been preceded by a lengthier visit with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. He knew Rarity had Carousel Boutique under lock and key at the moment to keep her final Gala designs for everyone a surprise, so visiting her was out. For a moment, Discord naturally considered going to Fluttershy's cottage, but then... 'I'll end up gushing about my new feelings for Celestia, I just know it. Better to give myself some time to sort out this mess in my head before I try talking to Fluttershy about it and say something I don't really mean...or worse say something I DO really mean.' Discord rolled his eyes to the side and did his best not to blush.

Of course, honestly, if things had been nice and normal (relatively speaking) in his life, Discord figured he would have just popped over to Canterlot castle now to return Celestia's book and bother the princesses...and maybe Celestia in particular. And by 'bother' he meant more like find an excuse to spend time with her and win attention from her just for the sake of the fun he had been starting to find in their conversations and encounters.

"No, no..." Discord mumbled to himself, his look falling as he flew onward, "I especially can't do that. I cannot handle being around that sunshiny mare right now. She'll giggle about something or give me a warm smile or compliment me in an unexpected way or let that chaotic hair of hers get too close to me, and then I'll fall all to pieces." He shuddered a little (or was it more like quivering again?). "I need to brace myself first before I actually see her again, even for something as simple as returning a book." Discord crossed his arms over his chest and furrowed his brow deeply in concern. "I can't believe this happened to me. It's ridiculous really. Me with romantic feelings this bad...and for her! Ugh, why didn't anyone tell me that opening my heart to friendship could open my heart even more to romance? Probably in the friendship fine print somewhere...I should really lodge a complaint with Twilight." He sighed deeply. "I could use a cupcake or something. Sugar usually makes everything better..." Discord was about to snap his fingers to whip himself up a treat, but then he blinked and then he grinned. "Wait a minute! That's it, that'swhere I can go!"

Discord snapped his fingers and suddenly he appeared on the stoop of Sugar Cube Corner.

The draconequus grinned to himself. "Perfect. Pinkie Pie's my friend, and she's the most chaotic of the elements of harmony. If anyone'll take my mind off of my problems and put a smile back on my face, it's her." He chuckled, knocked on the door, and then opened it himself and entered anyway. "Oh Pinkie Pie, your favorite friendly being of chaos is here!" he called out.

His words were met with a bright giggle from across the room. "Silly Discord-you're the only friendly being of chaos I know. And the only being of chaos in general. But you're right, you are still my favorite!" And there was Pinkie Pie behind the kitchen counter toward the back of the shop, wearing a chef's hat and half covered in flour. With one hoof she was mixing something in a bowl, with another hoof she was pouring chocolate chips into a measuring cup, and with her prehensile tail she was dusting some confections with powered sugar.

Discord's smile grew, and he flew forward into the kitchen. "Ah, I knew this place would make me feel better. You're the best source of naturally occurring chaos in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie, I swear." He chuckled.

Pinkie beamed, continuing to do her three tasks at once (and also now reaching a rear hoof behind her to tap the timer on the oven which had just dinged). "Gee, thanks, Discord! You're like the most chaotic guy ever, so that's really saying something! It's funny though-I'm not even trying to do chaos, I'm just trying to help fill as many of the orders as possible for the Cakes so that they can focus on the big Gala order they have to fill. If I really wanted to do chaos instead though, I'm sure it'd be a lot crazier than this-I could stack all the cake layers upside down, and dye the vanilla frosting to look like chocolate and the chocolate frosting to look like vanilla, and I could mix the ingredients while standing on my head and trying to play my one man band, and there could be party canons going off everywhere, and-"

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