Chapter 19-Discord's Princess

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"Hmm, mmm..." Discord sighed softly, his eyes closed. "Oh, forget the kisses and the hand holding and hugs. Who knew nuzzles could be so delightful?" He gave a low chuckle. "I'm probably dreaming, but for chaos's sake, I don't care."

A giggle met his ear, and then the beautiful face of Celestia pulled back from him a little to let her violet eyes meet his gaze. "Did you say something, Discord?"

Discord smiled warmly down at her. "Nothing important, my lady. Now, where were we?"

She smiled more at him. And then Celestia closed her eyes and resumed nuzzling against the side of his face and shoulder once again.

The two of them were in a sunny clearing of the Everfree forest, sitting up side-by-side on the ground upon a blanket. And Celestia was nuzzling and cuddling close to Discord, her eyes closed, seeming the picture of contentment.

Discord appeared pretty content himself with his goofy grin and hazed eyes. He even shyly nuzzled her back here and there. He sighed again now. "Princess, if I didn't know better, I would think you were coming on to me." He chuckled.

Celestia's smile grew. "Don't call me 'Princess'. Call me 'Dear Celestia' or anything else but 'Princess', Discord." She blushed a little as she gave him another deep nuzzle. "And I'm just happy to be with you and close to you. And I hope you feel the same. You don't seem to be returning too many of my gestures." She opened her eyes and raised a playful eyebrow at him.

Discord just smiled more and looked down. "I-I'm not much of a nuzzler, I suppose. Seems more like a pony thing."

Celestia moved closer alongside him. "Then at least put your arm around me, please," she whispered near his ear.

Discord's eyes went wide, and he blushed distinctly. Then he let out a breath and swallowed, mumbling to himself, "I'm almost starting to hope this isn't a dream...even if I would never live it down." And then he hesitantly raised his paw arm and let it come to rest around the curve of Celestia's back.

Discord's heart utterly pounded in his chest as he let out a breath and smiled at her. "I don't know what you do to keep your coat and feathers so soft, but please keep it up, Celestia dear. You're like a lovely white, warm cotton candy cloud."

"Hmm..." Celestia laughed. "You're soft too." She nuzzled the side of his face again.

Discord glanced away a little, a sheepish smile on his features. "Oh, no, no, I'm not...erm..."

"Well, I think you are," Celestia replied, and then she touched his beard with her hoof, playing with it.

A deep, shuddery sigh left Discord. "Oh Celestia, will you just take me already? I'm really as yours as I can be." He chuckled.

Celestia laughed again. "One step at a time, Discord." And then the sun princess lowered her hoof and went back to nuzzling him, her gesture drifting from his chin and shoulder down toward his chest. She smiled near the place at his collar where he changed species. "I can hear your heartbeat." She giggled softly. "Is it always that irregular, or is that just for me? It sounds like dance music."

Discord swallowed, and his heart did a little extra leap inside. "It's never a steady rhythm, but you certainly speed it up."

Celestia pulled back her head to look up into his eyes, her smile so warm. "You make my heart beat more quickly too, Discord. See?" Then she raised her hoof and took his claw, guiding it toward the area on her chest just above her golden yoke.

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