Chapter 23-Gala Night (Part 2)

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Princess Luna stood at the top of the ballroom staircase smiling proudly and greeting ponies with all of the grace and decorum natural to the princess of the night. Despite her earlier nervousness about tonight's Gala, Luna was finding great comfort in this familiar position as hostess. As yet another guest finished shaking her hoof, she sighed and smiled to herself. "Now this is the Canterlot and Gala I remember-royal greetings, formal bowing, ponies honored to meet us. There's just no Royal Canterlot Voice, but that's easily enough omitted."


Luna glanced to the side of the staircase and smiled as a familiar purple pony approached her. "Twilight Sparkle, have you come for some pointers on greeting the guests when it is your turn? You can certainly feel free to assist me as you did my sister last year."

Twilight smiled but shook her head. "No, but thank you, Luna. I just wanted to talk to you about Celestia and Discord."

Luna nodded. "Yes, I managed to see their dance. It seemed enjoyable for my sister...though the crowd around them quickly got too thick for me to make out much of what was going on once it ended." Luna glanced out to the ballroom and blinked before looking back to Twilight. "But where are Discord and my sister now, Twilight?"

Twilight frowned a little and rubbed the back of her neck. "It's a long story. After their dance ended, Discord...kind of got carried away with the escort thing. I think he was starting to get a little too concerned about making sure that other ponies would be impressed by him instead of just having a good time with Celestia. And so she finally just left him and went out to the courtyard. We talked to him though, and he went after her. And now the girls and I are going to split up and try to keep the guests from wandering outside so Celestia and Discord can have some privacy. I thought you'd want to know."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Celestia actually left him? What in the world could he have done to-"

"I think it pushed her over the edge when he said he was 'just like everypony else' and then actually turned into a pony," Twilight replied dryly. She sighed. "I knew he might be a little on edge tonight, but I didn't think he'd be that on edge."

Luna's eyes went wide. "I see." She considered. "Well then, I think your plan with the girls is sound. Let us all do our best to put some of the attention for the evening on ourselves for now: the best thing will be for Celestia and Discord to talk privately if there's been a misunderstanding." She smiled a little. "In fact, this situation might be a very good thing. I made the moon and stars particularly bright tonight, the flowers in the courtyard are fragrant, the cricket music is gentle: some time alone out there away from all expectations of others may be just what Celestia and Discord need to work out their differences...and even to acknowledge any deep feelings for one another that may be at the source of those differences."

Twilight blushed slightly. "Well, it's worth a shot." She managed a smile again. "Anyway, I'm going to head back downstairs and try to strike up a conversation about the Rainbow Power with some of the guests. I've been working on some theories, so I'm sure I could keep ponies talking for a while."

Luna nodded. "Very well, Twilight. And I shall remain here for the rest of my shift and encourage ponies to enjoy the sights inside of the ballroom before they venture to the courtyard or gardens for amusement."

Twilight nodded. And then, noticing more guests arriving, she steeped away with a smile. "I'll talk to you again soon, Luna. Bye for now." She trotted back down the stairs.

"Goodbye for now, Twilight." Luna smiled more, lost in thought for a moment, but then let out a breath and resumed her enthusiastic formal greetings to guests. "Good evening and welcome to the Gala. Please enjoy the lovely night ahead of us all."

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