Chapter 25-Of All The Donut Shops In Canterlot,Celestia Had To Walk Into Mine

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"Oh Spikey Wikey, I'll never be able to thank you enough for saving my ensemble!" Rarity cooed (yet again) as she hugged her baby dragon escort with a big smile on her face.

Spike just grinned in a daze (he still had some icing stains on his scales and jacket, but otherwise he had managed to clean off the remains of the cake layer entirely now). "Aw, Rarity, you're welcome. But, um...maybe you shouldn't be hugging me right now: you could still get some icing on your dress or in your mane." He frowned a little.

Rarity pulled back a little to smile down at him. Sure enough, a smudge of icing was on her cheek now, but she just brushed it aside and smiled more. "Oh Spike, a little icing will certainly come out without too much trouble. But trying to get chocolate cake out of my silk dress would have been another job entirely, and one which you've thankfully saved me from. And besides, I let my sash get covered in punch for Blueblood last year-you can't think I wouldn't let a little icing get on my coat for you, Spike." She touched his cheek with her hoof. "I'm just sorry your tuxedo got stained. I'll be sure to clean it for you, Spikey Wikey."

Spike blushed and looked down with a big grin. "Aw, well...if you insist." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm just glad you're safe, Rarity."

"Thank you." Rarity nodded as she released him, her gaze warm. "Well, come along, Spike. Now that we've got you cleaned up, let's join the girls and help princess Luna keep the party going." She used her magic to set Spike on her back.

Spike beamed a little. "Sure, Rarity! Let's go."

And with that the happy couple trotted off into the center of the room toward the main area of chaos cleanup.

As they passed Twilight, the friendship princess smiled warmly at the sight of Spike and Rarity, and then she turned her sights up to Princess Luna.

Luna had done an excellent job smoothing over Celestia's departure and Discord's sudden burst of chaos, and the ponies had rallied around her quite well. The staff as well as Celestia's dignitary friends and the Canterlot elite had come together to calm most of the guests and to make the best of the remaining chaos, and Luna had absolutely lightened the mood for everypony with her rendition of the Pony Pokie with Pinkie Pie to start off the end of the night. And now the moon princess sat at the top of the staircase surveying the room full of ponies dancing and mingling and eating again. She smiled warmly down at all of them.

Twilight flew over and landed beside her. "Everything looks like it's getting back into order now. You're doing a great job as hostess, Luna."

Luna smiled more and nodded to her. "Thank you, Twilight. I've always enjoyed being a leader and especially organizing high society functions. And it's nice to see the ponies getting along so well during my night." She looked out to the ponies again and sighed. "But Celestia has managed to establish herself as both the high leader of our subjects and a close friend to them too. I'm afraid I'm still learning how to watch over them but treat them as my equals at the same time."

Twilight nodded. "You're doing a great job so far, if it helps to know. All the subjects loved your dancing, and earlier I saw you talking with a lot of ponies who looked like they were liking their conversation with you. I know you usually like to be a little more...reserved, but it's nice that you've tried to mingle and get to know everypony too."

Luna's smile grew. "Thank you, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight smiled but then frowned a little and rubbed the back of her neck. "Princess you think Discord and Celestia are okay?"

Luna considered then glanced back to Twilight. "They will be. My sister is very good at talking to others and understanding feelings. She'll set things right."

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