Chapter 3-Nonsense!And Not That Kind Of Fun!

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"Oh come on, admit it—you liked me better as a statue." Discord grinned, resting on a fluffy pink cotton candy cloud.

Resting on a similar cloud right across from him, a particularly glowing Celestia laughed warmly at his comment. "You were easier to handle as a statue. But you're much more interesting to talk to like this." She laughed again. "And you're much funnier this way."

"Yes, I have the best sense of humor, don't I?" Discord grinned more.

Celestia nodded. "Yes. And some of the most phenomenal powers I've ever seen. I never knew you were so talented."

Discord's look of pride continued, though a touch of something shy came to his features too. "Well, I don't like to brag but…yes, I am truly gifted."

"I'm so happy we're friends, Discord," Celestia cooed.

Discord blinked then grinned. "Yes, well…I am too actually." They just gazed into each other's eyes for a moment.

Outside of this dream he was currently having, Discord was still napping on his cloudbank, though now he was turning and kicking a little and mumbling to himself in his sleep. "Celestia…is this some kind of joke? Hmm…" He laughed. "Oh, so you do think I deserved a throne? Now you're just kissing up to me." He sighed. "All I did was give you flowers, you didn't have to ask me to the Gala…and you don't have to…nuzzle me like that…and…."

With a gasp Discord suddenly awoke and sat bolt upright on his cloud, eyes wide, breaths shallow, a hand gripping his chest. Finally he took in and let out a very deep breath. "Who-ho-hoa! Okay, I don't know what that was or where it came from, but it is not happening ever again, and it doesn't mean anything either way." He nodded to himself, still feeling a little shaky though, and put a hand to his head. "Sheesh, Discord, calm down—yeah, that was awkward, but it was just a dream, just a result of letting all those things the girls were saying about 'dating' get to you. And you're maybe a little stressed out about the Gala thing and the throne thing too." He rested on his back again for a moment, letting the reality of being awake wash over him more. He looked to the sun. It would be low enough to start setting soon. "Maybe I'll go back to the Friendship Castle, see if Twilight will put me up for the night. I think being up this high in the air is starting to give me a little altitude sickness." He sat up again and snapped.

Discord found himself in Twilight's throne room now where all of the girls and Spike were currently sitting in their thrones and talking. He made a horn appear, which he blew rather badly on purpose, and then snapped it away and bowed with a chuckle. "Announcing Discord, ladies. Did you miss me?" He straightened up, grinning at them.

However, rather than being met with a bunch of smiling faces and hellos, he encountered six ponies and a baby dragon looking back at him with wide eyes and slight blushes on their cheeks, none of them saying a word.

Discord raised an eyebrow. "What?" He approached, grinning again. "Girls, if you're that put off by my sudden entrances, I'm sorry, but you'll have to get used to it. I'm afraid I don't have the patience to knock every time I come by and be led here by poor little Spike. Twilight, you really must give up the humble act and get a staff for this place. I'd like to request a private chef, a masseuse and a butler for myself as long as we're on the subject." He crossed his arms over his chest and chuckled.

Still though, the girls didn't crack a smile. Even Pinkie Pie only took on a slight grin that seemed weighed down by something.

Now Discord really had to pause and raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Girls, is there something wrong?" He held up his fingers, ready to snap. "Whatever it is, just say the word and I'll help."

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