Chapter 11-Discord's Dance Lesson

Start from the beginning

"He looks so funny in general!"

And now the whispers were disappearing and getting blended in with snickers and cruel laughter, and Discord just stood among it all, wanting to get angry, wanting to snap his fingers and drown their perfect little pony world in chaos. But he just couldn't do something that evil, not anymore, which left him blushing and looking down and trying to think of something to say. "I…Oh none of that is funny! Just leave me alone! I…Celestia…" He looked to her now, his friend.

Celestia was just staring at him…and then her lip twitched. And then, though she brought a hoof up to her mouth to politely cover up her response, in reality she was laughing along with all the whispers and chuckling of her guests now, finding him just as amusing a spectacle as everypony else.

A little bit of a light in Discord's eyes went out. "Celestia…" Discord looked down, feeling so heavy inside. "I've never been so humiliated in all my life." He closed his eyes and willed himself to disappear, somewhere anywhere far away from here.

"Ah!" Discord sat bolt upright now, breathing heavily, resting on a large pillow and covered with a blanket in the valley of the Canterlot castle statue garden. A few moments observing the scene told him it was just past sunrise, still very early, and he must have been dreaming of course.

Discord collapsed back down into his makeshift bed. "Oh great, and now we're back to what's bothering me being just nerves about the Gala." He brought a paw to his temple, closing his eyes. "I swear there's some sick part of my subconscious that's delighting in all of this torture of my newly reformed self." Discord opened his eyes again, looking up at the early morning sky. He let out a deep, soothing breath. "You'll be fine. I know you're going to feel a little awkward during the Gala and that you'll stand out and that everyone's going to have their two bits to say about you. But Fluttershy and the girls are right—I just have to be myself, my good and best self, and I can't let the doubts of others bring me down. Even if I'm nervous, I have to go to this Gala. Not just for Celestia but for me. I…I know I can be a part of their world. I want to try at least. And maybe if they all get to know me better, the ponies will start to like me more just like Fluttershy and the girls…and Luna…and Celestia." Discord let out one more soothing breath, which turned into a yawn. Feeling a little better now, he blinked a few times and then turned in his bed to face Canterlot Castle. "In the meantime though, I'm tired. These nightmares take a lot out of a person. I think I'll try dozing off again and just dreaming about chaos or at least having a slightly less unpleasant stress dream if I can manage it."

Discord was about to close his eyes again when his gaze suddenly caught sight of something: hovering in the air near him and slightly blocking his view of the castle was a bound scroll surrounded by golden magic.

Discord sat up a little in his bed. "That's Celestia's magic. I'd recognize it anywhere." He reached out, hesitated, but then finally took the scroll from the air. It stopped glowing, upon which he opened it up and read it.

Dear Discord,

I hope this note finds you well. While I was raising the sun, I noticed you sleeping in the garden again. So after I started on my tasks for the day, I magically sent this message and made it wait for you until whenever you might awaken (I'd imagine that chaos isn't as early a riser as I usually am.)

I know you've been preoccupied lately, so I hoped you might enjoy it if we had our dance lesson in the ballroom today for the Gala. I thought around noon would be nice. Then afterwards, perhaps you could join me for lunch? I really think the guards are warming up to your presence, and since I rarely have Luna's company that time of day I would especially appreciate someone to have a good mealtime conversation with.

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