Chapter Forty Four

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A loud banging on the door later that evening aroused Yunho from a deep sleep. Jae was sleeping on top of him, oblivious to the world around them. Yunho went to scoot Jae off of him but the other man awoke long enough to cling tightly to him. "Jae, there is somebody at the door."

"No," Jae whined in his sleep, not moving.

"Jae, slide over. I will go check it out."

"No," Jae told him, refusing to let go, "it will go away."

"Yunho!" Changmin's high pitched scream pierced throughout the apartment. Yunho sat up immediately, pushing Jae off of him.

"That was Changmin," Jae said, sitting up fully alert now.

Yunho was already out of bed searching for clothes and quickly putting them on when he stopped, wincing. "Damn," he groaned, holding his crotch.

"Are you hurting?" Jae asked, sliding to the side of the bed eyeing Yunho.

"I think you chaffed me," Yunho told him as he slid on a pair of sweats.

"Should I apologize for riding you for hours?"
"No," Yunho said, shaking his head as he hurried towards the door.

As Yunho exited the room, Jae sighed in relief. It was just Changmin, but how did Changmin make it up to his floor, Jae wondered. He had given security strict instructions that no visitors were allowed. Jae listened carefully as he heard Yunho unlock the front door.

"What's wrong?" Yunho asked immediately as he flung the door open.

"About fucking time! Do you know we had to convince the security guards downstairs that your life was in danger before they would let us up here?" Changmin snapped and stormed into the apartment.

Heechul followed him and paused to take in the clothing that was thrown haphazardly around the entry way and added, "Fucking indeed."

"What's wrong?" Yunho repeated as he watched the two other men enter Jae's apartment.

Changmin, who was carrying a black suit with him, thrust it into Yunho's hands. "Get dressed. Lee Soo Man is dying and he's asking for you."

"Please shower too," Heechul added as he took a seat on the long, black leather couch in the living room.

Jae, who had been listening in the bedroom, felt his heart clenched. Panicking, hurried out into the living room, not bothering to dress himself. "Why does he want to talk to Yunho?"

"Jae..." Changmin said, diverting his eyes to the ceiling. "I didn't ask. You know it's his dying request and all. I didn't think it was appropriate to question it."

Heechul who had also turned around was now looking at a naked Jae with a very unimpressed expression. "I would like to thank Yunho for taking the time to get dressed."

"Jae," Yunho hissed, grabbing the other man by the arm and dragging him back into the bedroom with him.

"I can't believe you," Yunho said as he let go of Jae, and hurried to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Jae's sense of panic was increasing and threatening to overtake him. What if Lee Soo Man wanted to confess? Isn't that what you did on your deathbed? What if he wanted to show Yunho once and for all what the man he loved was really like? "Bastard," Jae cursed and vowed the old bastard would not beat him.

Jae walked into the bathroom and his fear of Lee Soo Man's deathbed confession was forgotten momentarily as his protective instincts flared up after seeing that Yunho had taken the shower chair out of the shower. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

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