Chapter Eight

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Later that evening Yunho was up in his chair laughing while watching a variety show, Jae sat nervously beside him.   Jae was either sending text messages or holding his breath every time Yunho flipped the channel.

“So why exactly did they bring your television back in here?”  Jae asked nervously as Yunho started changing channels again.

“I told them I wanted it.  I mean really Jae, having them remove my television…that’s even a little bit possessive for you.”  Yunho told him casting a disappointed look at Jae.

“Possessive of me?  Excuse me?  You should focus on your recovery not on stupid things.”  Jae told him not bothering to look at Yunho as he attacked his phone with the glare from his eyes.

“Focus more on you, you mean.”  Yunho said under as his breath and he flipped back to the variety show.

Jae looked at Yunho amused, “I think somebody has a very high opinion of themselves.”

“Heechul’s who said it.  I just agreed with him…since it’s the truth and all.”  Yunho said turning to Jae smugly.

“Heechul?  Did he bring up the television?  He’s an idiot.”  Jae told Yunho annoyed as he put down his phone.  “I don’t want you watching stuff that might upset you.”

“Oh,” Yunho couldn’t help but remember the sting he felt when he flipped onto a soccer match for the first time knowing he couldn’t play.  “Well denial isn’t good either.  There are things that I can’t do and time that I can never get back.  I have to accept that.”

“And you should totally focus on me, because it’s all about me.”  Jae teased trying to lighten the mood.

“I thought you said I have a high opinion of myself?”  Yunho repeated laughing at Jae.

“Yes, but I didn’t say you were wrong.”  Jae told him eyeing his phone hatefully.

Yunho turned and smiled at Jae, “So the television is what has you on edge…I thought they were trying to call you back?”

“Hmmmf…they are trying, but they can kiss my ass.  I worked more in six days than most work in a month.  I am not their slave, and if they push me I will play dirty.”  Jae’s aggravation was more than obvious as he grabbed his phone again and made a point of powering it off.

“You never used to turn your phone off.”  Yunho observed as he turned his focus back to the television.  It hadn’t escaped his notice that Jae’s phone was off more than it was on.

“That isn’t true.  I do believe somebody has a selective memory.  When we used to be alone in the good old days, I always turned it off.”  Jae reminded Yunho and smirked as he saw the man tense up.

“Buut…never mind.”  Yunho stammered out studying the television intently now.

“I was just innocently pointing out…”  Jae stopped as a loud alarm went off. 

“What is that?”  Yunho asked suddenly alert.

Jae stood up quickly, “Somebody is dying.  It’s the alarm they sound when somebody is dying.”

“Dying?  People die here?” Yunho hadn’t ever even considered that possibility growing pale.

“My Love,” Jae immediately noticed Yunho’s discomfort and bent down and kissed the top of his head.  “Not everybody is as amazingly resilient as you are, there are lots of very sick people here of all ages.”

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