Chapter Three

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Yunho awoke with the sun beaming down on him and Jae pressed against his left side. This was the day the real recovery started, and he found that he was eager to begin his day.

He told himself he wasn’t going to focus on Jae or the reason behind the man’s presence. If Jae really wanted the best for him then his help would be much appreciated. Yunho’s number one goal was to walk again and nothing could get in the way of that, nothing.

He laid there imagining the journey in front of him and how wonderful it would be to surprise all of his loved ones…the world. He would not be a tragic figure always tied to a bed.

When the housekeeper entered the room that morning, he greeted her with a big lopsided smile.

“Why Handsome, is that the rudiments of a smile I see?” she asked him as she smiled back and walked closer to his bed.

“Yes,” Yunho said, shaking his head. He was glad that he could show a smile, even a small one. It was only a small, broken smile, but it meant so much more to him then all the others that had come before it.

“Why so happy?” she asked him as she started dusting.

“Will walk. Walk again. Me,” he told her happily as he felt Jae snuggle closer to him.

“Handsome, I do believe you. You are the master at making doctors eat their grim diagnoses, aren’t you?”

“Yes!” Yunho was delighted at how easy the words were coming out this morning, although he wasn’t going to push it with long sentences.

“Sleep…longer,” Jae moaned as he tightened his grip on Yunho.

“Is that one there,” she said pointing to Jae, “in on the secret or is he still in his stupor and oblivious to the fact that you are talking?”

“Knows,” Yunho told her as he watched Jae pull up slowly and grace him with a big smile before he turned his focus on the housekeeper.

“You know?” Jae asked disbelievingly as he pulled himself into a sitting position without getting out of bed.

“Handsome, I will see you later. Be careful of that one,” she told Yunho, not bothering Jae with even a glance.

Yunho couldn’t help but look up at Jae all bright eyed with wonder, it was not often that he was ignored instead of totally adored.

Jae looked down at him shaking his head. “She hates me.”

“Why?” Yunho asked curiously, he actually liked the housekeeper a lot.

“Were you this bright eyed yesterday? How did I not notice immediately?” Jae asked, unable to keep a hand from reaching out to trace Yunho’s face.

“Asleep,” Yunho told him, annoyed as he turned away, trying to escape Jae’s touch.

“Be still or I will kiss you,” Jae warned, and he couldn’t help but laugh as Yunho went suddenly still. “I was sleeping the day away when my Yunho was awake, calculating how he was going to hide away from me.”

“Yes,” Yunho said, not daring to move his face.

“I won’t kiss you,” Jae told him as he let go of the other man’s face.

“Why?” Yunho asked, still wanting to know why the housekeeper didn’t like Jae.

“Well it would be hard to explain if somebody walked in,” Jae teased as Yunho narrowed his eyes at him. “You know that tube that’s in a very…delicate spot?”

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