Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Your birthday dinner is Fish Surprise!" a very excited Donghae told Yunho as he headed out of the kitchen of the Super Junior dorm toward the living area.

"Fish?" Yunho questioned from the recliner in the living area where he sat with Heechul, Kyuhyun, and Eunhyuk.

"It's completely delicious," Eunhyuk added from his spot on the couch.

"A Cho family original," Kyuhyun told them proudly.

"Made by the prettiest Cho of all," Heechul mumbled under his breath, and immediately got elbowed by Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk who sat on either side of him on the couch.

Yunho smiled overhearing them. "So Ryeowook knows how to cook it?"

"My family decided to bestow our family recipes on the lesser people of the countryside. Some things are too good not to be shared with the common folk," Kyuhyun explained cockily.

"Common folk?" Ryeowook repeated from the kitchen entry way looking amused. "Get your royal pompous ass up and help me."

"Yes, mere peasant," Kyuhyun said as he got up without a fight.

"I will make you think peasant," Ryeowook warned Kyuhyun as the other man bounced into the kitchen, eager to help.

Yunho watched them disappear into the kitchen with a huge smile on his face. He realized that now that he was such a huge shareholder of SM he could help protect them in the future if the need ever arose.

"What are you thinking about?" Heechul asked from his spot on the couch, sensing that Yunho was thinking secretive thoughts.

Yunho turned to face him. "Oh, I was just thinking about the SM meeting that I attended earlier."

"And that made you smile?" Donghae asked, as he took the spot on the couch where Kyuhyun had been sitting. Donghae couldn't imagine one of those meetings making anybody smile.

Heechul watched Yunho suspiciously. "Why did you even go to that meeting? Couldn't you have had your toenails ripped off know something more pleasant?"

Yunho carefully judged Heechul's attentiveness and told him, "As a stock holder I think it is important that I voice my concerns. You all own stock now too. You should all come to the next one."

"We should?" Donghae said, frowning. "I think I will let you voice my concerns for me."

"I might go to the next one. You are right, we should play a more active role. Let our voices be heard," Eunhyuk agreed.

"It still seems fishy to me that you are suddenly going to meetings. You never went before," Heechul said, still watching Yunho instinctively knowing the man was withholding information from him.

"Before I thought I could dance forever. I do a lot of things now that I never did before," Yunho told Heechul quickly and then added, "it doesn't smell like fish."

"That's the surprise," Eunhyuk and Donghae both told him at the same time making each other laugh.

"So where is Changmin tonight?" Kyuhyun asked as he walked back into the room.

"They have him preparing for tomorrow night. I think it's going to be an all nighter, so I will be minus Changmin tonight," Yunho told them.

"Your birthday tribute is going to be awesome. We finished our last practice earlier today," Kyuhyun added with a pleased smile.

"The girls were practicing when we're a lucky man," Eunhyuk whistled and told him with an envious grin.

"If you want to give me some hints about tomorrow night, feel free to inform me so I won't be too surprised," Yunho asked. His big birthday celebration that was going to be aired on live television tomorrow night and was a well kept secret from him.

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