Chapter Twenty Six

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Later that night after the nurses had ordered everybody from his room, Yunho sat up in bed watching television, unable to sleep. He watched all the major networks and was surprised to see that his recovery was big news. He felt a warm tingling in his heart every time they talked about him...they made him sound so strong, brave, and resilient.

"It's not good to believe your own press," Jae told him as he walked into the room, looking refreshed as he shut the door behind him.

"But it's all true. I am a good example for anybody who has ever lost hope. Plus I am handsome, smart, and..."

"Conceited," Jae added, tossing his bag on the chair beside the bed.

"As if you could ever criticize anybody for having that particular trait," Yunho told him, feigning annoyance.

"Oh, I know you didn't throw out the vain card after I spent over a week at your bedside looking like death," Jae told him as he walked over and took Yunho's hand.

"Believe me, nobody was more shocked than me," Yunho told him, grinning up at him.

"I guess there are some things...or somebody I value more than my looks," Jae said, pulling his hand away from Yunho's to reach out and touch the side of Yunho's face. "I think you owe me something."

Yunho shook his head. "I don't know what you are talking about."

Jae placed both of his hands gently on both sides of Yunho's head and bent down to kiss the man. Jae was more than pleasantly surprised to find Yunho's mouth was not clamped shut but open and more than willing to return the kiss. One of Jae's hands slid down to Yunho's neck as he pressed more deeply into the kiss, finding his intensity matched by Yunho.

Jae's mind went blank and he found himself lowering the side rail on Yunho's bed without ever breaking from the kiss. Jae was hungry for Yunho's kiss, for Yunho's taste, and for the touch of Yunho. Jae felt one of Yunho's hands reach up and encircle his wrists motioning for him to stop, but Jae couldn't had been too long. Yunho's hand might be willing him to stop but Yunho's mouth and tongue were more than welcoming.

Jae cursed mentally as he pulled away quickly when he heard a loud trilling sound. Jae tried to regain is mentalities as he eyed Yunho lustfully...Yunho had called for the nurse with his spare hand. Soon the nurse's voice was over the intercom asking, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, can you warm me up some of my leftover soup?" Yunho asked, catching his breath.

"No problem," the nurse told him over the intercom.

"Don't you even think about getting pissy and blaming this on me! You were more than cooperative," Jae told him, frustrated as he sat down in the chair and tried to control his desire.

"I was checking your teeth."

Jae blinked in disbelief. "What?"

"I couldn't find the broken off tooth and I couldn't feel any difference...they fixed it good," Yunho explained to Jae, somehow maintaining a straight face.

Jae frowned. "They put a temporary cap on it for now. So what..." Jae stopped, flustered. Was Yunho being serious?

"Think of it as a scientific experiment."

"A scientific experiment?" Jae literally spit out the words.

"Also, you were moody before you left and I thought it might help out your mood," Yunho told him, smiling. He was enjoying Jae's discomfort more than he should.

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