Chapter Twenty Four

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"I can't believe I am here...wearing this?" Jae said with obvious disgust as he looked down at the sweatshirt he had been wearing for days; ever since Heechul and he had showed up at Clear Creek that night. He had been out of his mind that night but somehow Ryeowook had gotten him out of his bloody clothes and got him in jeans and the sweatshirt.

"Least it isn't covered in blood and your face looks better." Ryeowook said from beside Jae. They were on a stage in the main conference room of the hospital getting ready for the press conference to begin. They sat in the front row with reporters swarming in front of them like angry bees.

"That's Yunho's shirt." Changmin who sat on the other side of Jae informed him trying his best not to snarl.

"What are you Yunho's clothes police?" Jae snapped back at him, but then added curiously, "how do you know this is Yunho's shirt?"

"It's from Homin fans I have one just like it." Changmin informed him.

"I knew there was a reason I never stole this shirt before! It was forced on me." Jae exclaimed gritting his teeth, and then immediately regretting it when pain shot through his jaw he reached up to touch his tender face.

"It was a gift from fans of high intelligence of course you wouldn't like it." Changmin told him snottily.

"You left out cheap!" Jae growled back at him. "My fans would never insult me by giving me anything of such low quality. They are more..."

"More into target practice." Changmin interrupted and glared back at Jae. Jae just stared back at him dumbfounded unable to speak.

"You two need to stop! The reporters are watching you...can't you play nice for Yunho's sake?" Kyuhyun pleaded from the other side of

"Kyuhyun's right! Why can't you two be happy? Yunho has survived immeasurable odds again and he loves you both." Ryeowook chastised from beside Jae.

"I will try harder." Changmin said folding his arms and leaning back in his chair and stretching out his long legs in front him.

"What are Heechul and Yunho talking about?" Jae asked changing the subject. It bothered him that Yunho had insisted on talking to Heechul alone before the press conference.

"I don't know anymore than you do." Changmin said from the other side of Jae trying to be civil.

"You lie. I saw the look you two shared. Since I am here looking like death warmed over and probably loosing thousands of fans by the minute you could at least tell me what they are up to."

Changmin sighed and gritted his teeth, "The majority of your fans will not even notice how you look. They see the image of you they have created in their mind it has nothing to do with the reality of what you really look like."

Jae didn't have time to reply when Heechul appeared suddenly motioning for Ryeowook to scoot down as he sat between Ryeowook and Jae. "Changmin speaks the truth. Your fans have selective eyesight. You are the envy of all your fellow idols. I am truly envious I must admit. I have seen pictures of you wasted, hungover and so thin your nose stuck out like the wicked witches and still all your fans talk about is your flawless skin and ethereal beauty."

"So true. If I hadn't hit him in public they would never notice the bruises at all." Changmin agreed with Heechul.

"For Yunho. For Yunho. For Yunho. For Yunho." Jae chanted over and over fighting the urge to flee from the two of them.

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