Chapter One

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Title:      Damaged
Rating:   R
Genre:    Future AU, Friendship, Romance
Length:   Chaptered
Beta:      Motty123

DisclaimerThis is a work of fiction.  I own nothing and know even lessThis story is a stand alone, but it does take place in the TFAN universe, where Yunho played a crucial role.

SummaryOn a cold winter’s day he cast their love away for the sake of his family.  The following autumn an act of vengeance left their love beyond the reaches of forgivenessTwo summers later a fan’s anger and the ultimate act of self-sacrifice would redefine everything they knew about love, pride, selfishness, and forgiveness.

Changmin watched as family and friends walked into the hospital room taking their turns saying goodbye to Yunho.  He watched their different reactions to the body that was dependent on a ventilator with a large white dressing to the head that continued to seep blood no matter how many times the nurses changed it.

Some were very calm and took Yunho’s left hand and wished him safe passage, told him how desperately he would be missed, and how much he was loved.  Some walked in the room and immediately turned and left, unable to bear the sight of what was once such a bright, healthy young man.  It was the ones that came in drenched in tears that clung to Yunho and begged him not to go that irritated Changmin.  He almost had to physically restrain himself from not getting up and knocking a few of them through the wall.  Yunho would not have approved, so Changmin sat at Yunho’s right side holding his lifeless hand, and glared at anybody who suggested he leave.  He wasn’t moving till they wheeled Yunho away, and he wondered how he would ever be able to let him go then.

“Changmin, would…”  Mrs. Shim began.

“No!”  Changmin said, not turning to look at his mother.

“I was just going to ask if you would like something to drink,” Mrs. Shim told her son, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Changmin laughed, causing the other people in the room to turn and look at him. “Mom, I will drink after Yunho’s dead.  I will drink a lot after Yunho is dead.”

“Honey, don’t,” Mrs. Shim said, her voice full of misery, knowing that her son would never not be haunted by this tragedy.  Mrs. Jung, who had been standing beside her husband, moved closer to the young man who was finding it so hard to maintain his control.

“What?  I think it’s a completely acceptable response to drink when….when somebody takes a bullet for you, especially in the head.  I will attempt to be somber enough to attend the mem…”

DAMAGED •• YunJae•• DB5K Where stories live. Discover now