Chapter 31- The Dancer and The Healing

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Chapter 31

Song: Honest Mistake by Handsome Ghost 

***********************************************************************************************Sophie's Pov. 

"Okay, we're gonna play twenty-one questions." I plop myself onto the couch across from Eli. As much as I wanted to snuggle into his arms, I wasn't about to fully jump back into how things used to be. 

"Why do I feel like this is going to be an interrogation?" He asks. 

"Because it will be. Now, the first question. Did you have any past break-ups that didn't fully end?" I ask him. 

"Yes. I had two in college that ended very poorly." He answers me honestly. 

"Why?" I ask.

 "Because when they wanted more than just a causal relationship, I decided to end it." He leans into his seat. 

"Define 'casual'?" I make air quotations and he laughs. I give him a stern look before he answers. 

"Like any old causal relationship. What I mean is that they wanted to get married." He says and my eyes widen. 


"Wait, what grade were you in at the time?" I ask him. 

"I was a freshman." He says. 

"And at the time, I wasn't ready for that." He continues. I stare at him for a moment before saying, 

"And with me?" I say. He still looks at me with so much love in his eyes that I didn't think was possible after what I said to him. 

"With you... I would marry you in a heartbeat." He answers. 

"N-next question-" he cuts me off. 

"Can I just please hold you?" I bite my lip before standing up to walk towards him. I take a seat next to him and when his arms wrap around mine, all my past grudges begin to fade away. 

"Despite the past. I promise you that I am not the same person as before. I know that lying is not the way to go but I guess... I guess I cared too much to show you everything." He says. Maybe Derek and Lacey were right. 

"But I know now that you're a no filter type of woman and I knew that from the moment that we meet at the cafe." he says. I turn around to face him. 

"I forgive you." I say to him and interlace his fingers with mine. 

"I forgive you for your stupid mistakes. We all make them and I can get really intense at times." I say and he laughs lightly. 

"But I want you to know that if we are endgame, then if I ever find out that you were cheating or lying about seeing someone, I will not hesitate to leave." I state seriously. 

"If I ever cheated on you, I would want you to leave me. I clearly must have lost my mind to have cheated on the love of my life." He says with equal amounts of seriousness. My heart melts when he calls me the love of his life. 

"Well, this love of your life kind of wants to kiss you right now." I said before leaning in to give him a soft and long kiss. I straddle him and make myself comfortable on his lap while we continue to kiss. He trails light butterfly kisses on my neck making me smile. 

After some time, we break away with smiles on our faces. 

"I have been waiting for that to happen for a while now." He says and I raise an eyebrow at him playfully. 

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