Chapter 30- The Dancer and The Aftermath

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Chapter 30

Song: Lies by Marina and the Diamonds 

***********************************************************************************************Sophie's Pov. 

It was crazy how much things could change in such little time. We had all waited to see Lacey's results and when she had found out that she was indeed pregnant, she had fainted. None of us had expected for that to happen, but I guess life was full of surprises.

When she had to tell her mom about it, that would probably be the scariest position to be in. And I thought that having to tell my mom about my relationship with Eli would be bad. 

It doesn't matter anymore though. Because he was out of the picture. 

So for the past week, we helped Lacey out as much as we could. No matter what my problems were, I was gonna be there for my best friend. 

Megan and I went with her as she told all of her teachers about her upcoming pregnancy. Even Mr. Conrad. To say that it was slightly awkward would be an understatement. Some teachers had looks of sympathy while others treated the news as if she were saying 'So I'm turning in the homework late.' 

What bugged me the most when we went to Mr. Conrad is that he was actually really nice about it. He had told her that everything would be okay and that he would make sure that no one bothered her about it. 

He even smiled at her and said 'congratulations'!

When he said that he would give me space, he meant it. I hadn't seen him at the cafe at all and in class, he refused to even walk over to my side of the room. Everything became monotone and while that's what was best for us, it didn't mean that I still wasn't heartbroken over it. 

So now I was currently with my friends Derek, Carmen, Megan, and Lacey- who were all trying to think of names for the baby. You might ask 'where is Dylan?' but that is a long story. 

"Love," Derek says and Lacey laughs.

"That's my last name already Derek!" He rubs his chin while thinking. 

"True, but I think that it would be a beautiful name nevertheless." He says proudly. 

"I think that you should name her Samantha," Megan says thoughtlessly and Lacey's eyes widen while shooting to mine. 

"Samantha is forbidden," Lacey says and Megan's eyes widen when she realizes. 

"Oh, I am so sorry. I completely you should be doing." She raises a stern eyebrow at me. 

"I know and I'm sorry. It's just hard." I say and Megan's eyes grow softer. She pulls me in for a hug and I rest my head onto her shoulder. 

"We've all gone through breakups before. Even Lacey... in her own messed up way." Megan states and Lacey shakes her head.

"But we have to stick together. Together, we can overcome anything." Megan beams and I let out a laugh that turns into a cry.

We had filled Carmen in on everything and she had given me a bunch of mixed emotions. First, she had told me that I should have never even been in a relationship with a teacher to begin with who was older than me. Second, she said that maybe she was wrong and that you can't control who you fall in love with. Third, she said that he seemed like a nice man who made a mistake and what boy do we know who hasn't made any mistakes. 

"I still think that you should work things out. Someone who loves you that deeply couldn't have possibly hurt you intentionally." Carmen speaks and Derek nods his head. 

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