Chapter 17- The Dancer and The Park

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Chapter 17

Song: AA The Neighbourhood Watch 

***********************************************************************************************Sophie's Pov.

I walk into rehearsal early for once. Derek had dropped me off with a light kiss to the cheek and I wasn't sure how to really feel about the whole thing. Even though I wasn't allowed to fully dance out until Monday, at least I would be able to mark out hand motions and to see the girls in action. When we have elongate rehearsals for the performance. We run the whole show on the stage to mark our exact spots. 

Things always seemed different on stage than just doing the dance in the studio. 

"Oh, Sophie you're early." I see Instructor Daniels in the studio on his phone probably searching for the soundtrack. 

"I had wanted to talk to you about today's rehearsal. Since you cannot fully dance, I need you to be my second pair of eyes when we get to the main stage. If anything seems off, let me know." I nod my head at his words. 

"Oh and Sophie... on Monday, I will not push you too hard, but please do keep in mind that the performance date is only two weeks away now." He gives me a stern look and I nod my head again. 

"I won't mess up," I say to reassure him, but I can tell that his nerves are on edge. 

As more and more girls file into the room to start stretching, I make my way over to one of the bars to stretch a little. I usually at least liked to do the warm-ups partially because I did have one uninjured leg and it didn't place too much pressure onto my injured one either. 

"Okay, let's begin." 




"Kayla is like two feet away from her actual mark. Alicia needs to stretch more because her jumps are noticeably lower than everyone else's. Karen has this blank stare on her face and I don't think that's good for being a snowflake." I list off a few of the issues that I see as Instructor Daniels and I watch them run them run the whole show. 

I kind of felt honored that I was able to sit in the booth with Mr. Daniels. He was nicer to me more recently than ever. I'm not sure how long that would last though. 

"Brianna's turn out needs to be bigger. Overall, I think that the majority of the girls need to think bigger. They're dancing within themselves." I take notice and Instructor Daniels looks at me with a secretive smile. 

"You would make  good dance teacher." He says to me and I shake my head. 

"No I'm just too much of a perfectionist is all." I brush him off. 

"That's exactly what a dance teacher needs to be." I hear him say before we tune back into the show. 

As the curtains fall. Mr. Daniels and I clap at the end and then the curtains rise to see some girls panting and others who have already taken a seat on the stage floor. 

We make out way down from the booth the give the feedback and take a seat closer to them in the audience's seats. 

"Okay first off the opener is suppose to be magical and what I am getting is constipated with a small hint of deer caught in the headlights." Mr. Daniels says and some of the girls laugh while others look truly offended. 

Oh well, must have been the ones who he was talking about. 

He hands me the mic and I read off my notes that I wrote up in the booth. 

Sophie & Mr. Conrad| ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum