Chapter 28- The Dancer and The Text Messages

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Chapter 28

Song: Water by Bishop Briggs

***********************************************************************************************Sophie's Pov. 

After the show, I had gone home with my parents. Now that I had finally completed my first performance, the nerves officially disappeared. I now knew what it took to fully perform this production of the Nutcracker and the fear of failure no longer loomed over my shoulders. 

Today being that it was a Sunday, I initially was planning to spend it with Megan and Lacey. However, Lacey wasn't feeling to well and said that she might have been coming down with the flu. Megan was spending the day with Blake. 

So I decided to hang out with Eli. We were currently watching the t.v show gossip girl. As much as he rolled his eyes at the show, I told him that if he didn't watch it then he couldn't kiss me. 

So of course, I won. 

I see in the corner of my eye his phone go off again. He reaches for it and texts someone before places it down. I reach over for some popcorn before hearing his phone go off again. As much as I wanted to be that non-paranoid girlfriend who wasn't bothered by much, it kind of bugged me just simply because he kept getting so many texts recently. 

"Who's that?" I try to ask casually. 

"Oh, it's no one special. Just an old friend." He brushes off and I nod my head. I wasn't sure why I was getting so worried. I texted my friends all of the time and he never questioned me. 

I just needed to chill. 

"I'm gonna get us some more popcorn." He kisses my on the cheek and gets up to leave. I watch as Blair and Chuck refuse to admit that they loved each other and smiled. 

Their relationship was cute and annoying at the same time. But then again, Serena and Dan weren't really any better. I just loved the drama within this show. 

I hear his phone ping once again and I look over, feeling slightly guilty. 

I see a text message that says, 

Samantha: You're funny. When can we make up already ;) 

My breathing hitches and suddenly my mood changes. He comes back with more popcorn with a smile. I give him a smile in return. 

I wasn't going to jump to any conclusions. It probably was just his old friend joking with him. We all knew that Eli was a joking type of person. 

He pulls me into his arms and we continue to watch gossip girl. 

Everything was fine. 




"Drop his ass immediately," Megan says. Lacey sips on some ginger ale to help with her nausea. 

"No don't do that. Just hear him out. Maybe... mention it slightly?" Lacey defends. 

I had stayed with Eli for the majority of the day until when it got to be around 5:00 p.m. Since I had school tomorrow, I just told him that I needed plenty of rest after my performance. The truth was that I was kind of annoyed. Even after I had seen the text message, he continued to text this person. Maybe I was just bothered because I didn't have his full attention. 

Somehow, I knew that it was more than that. 

"Well I did try to bring it up and he said that it was just an old friend and no one special." Megan scoffs at that. 

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