Chapter 12- The Dancer and The Questions Answered

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Chapter 12

Song: Worry By Felix Cartal



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Sophie's Pov. 

We all sat on Lacey's bed as we all painted our nails. Sometimes we liked to just have sleepovers at one of our places. 

"Do you think that painting my nails green would be a little too much?" Megan asks us with a slight frown. 

"If you want your eyes to really pop, then green is a perfect choice," I say.

"It's not like she's gonna hold her hand up to her face the whole time," Lacey states while looking mildly confused and I let out a laugh. 

"I guess that's true." I shrug my shoulders. 

"So spill... what was it that you were gonna tell me about Lacey and Dylan?" I eagerly ask Megan. Lacey throws herself onto her pillow. 

"Megan if you're gonna spill all the beans, then I minds well just say it myself." She rolls her eyes. Megan pouts and says, 

"Darn it! I really wanted to tell Sophie." I jump on the bed in excitement. 

"I don't care who tells me; I just want to know the juicy details!" Lacey lets out a sigh before finally speaking. 

"Alright. So Dylan was waiting for me in my room- like a creep, might I add- and he refused to leave. Even as I tried to slip away from him while embarrassing myself, he still had the nerve to just stand and watch me in amusement. Anyway, he starts questioning me and asking me why I like to hide from my problems and suddenly he just decides to kiss me." She mutters at the end. I let out a squeal and Megan laughs. 

"Wait, so did you kiss him back?" I ask. She looks at me and nods her head a little. 

"Sort of. Dylan is just way too pushy. Cole always asks me first if I want to kiss him." Lacey says. 

"But did you like the kiss?" I ask her slyly. 

"Well yeah... But that's not the point! I don't need someone who is too bold. I just wanna relax with someone who is chill and respectful." She ends with a huff. 

"I personally think that it could be the Ying and the Yang." Megan randomly states making us both look at her as if she was suddenly high. 

"What do you mean?" Lacey asks. 

"You know... to balance each other out. Sometimes if you date someone who is too similar to you, then it'll get boring. What I think is cool is when two polar opposites come together and actually balance each other's moods out; I think that it's romantic if you ask me." Megan explains and I nod my head in agreement. She did have a point. Although people who had similar personalities could totally still work. 

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