Chapter 26- The Dancer and The Birthday Party

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Chapter 26

Song: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody by Fergie Ft. Q-Tip and GoonRock

*Picture of Sophie's dress above


Sophie's Pov. 

I woke up with the smell of breakfast already done. I make my way downstairs in my pajamas after brushing my teeth to see my mom smiling at me and my father who has a present not so discreetly behind his back. 

"What have you got there?" I ask him with a sly smile. He shrugs his shoulders and avoids eye contact. 

"Oh, this? Nothing." He walks backwards into the kitchen awkwardly and I turn towards mom. 

"I made breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream on top; your favorite." She beams. I take a seat and take a couple of bites out of the pancake. These were delicious. 

I had received multiples of text from everybody. 

Lacey: Goodmornig Birthday girl. Can't wait to spend the day with you <3

Megan: It's the Birthday Bitch! Well, I guess today I'm your bitch sooo... ;)

Derek: Sorry that I couldn't skip school with you, but I will see you at your party. Make sure to save a special dance for me :). 

and the last one was from Eli. 

Eli: Happy Birthday, beautiful ❤ . I'll be thinking of you all day. Hopefully, they won't fire me if I zone out too much today. Have an amazing day  😘

I smile at all of their texts. It was nice to see the amount of love and care that my friends had for me. Once I'm done with breakfast, I go upstairs to change into something cute and casual. I decided to wear a nice pastel pink blouse paired with some denim shorts that had silver spikes on the pockets. I paired the outfit with my white converse and a sweetheart necklace. 

I wait until Megan and Lacey arrive before heading downstairs. 

"Sophie you are not driving today. Megan is." Lacey says and I smile. 

"Happy birthday!" Megan says again while running to jump on me. 

"I won't give you any birthday punches because apparently, this girl has a performance tomorrow!" Megan whoops and Lacey joins in on the cheer. 

"I'm so excited. Do you know how long we've been waiting for this moment?"Lacey jumps in excitement. 

"Just as long as I have been waiting to perform," I say to them. We all pile into Megan's car and I get to sit shotgun. 

"Where off to first?" Megan asks. 

"To the nail salon!" 




"So how are you and Eli doing?" Lacey asks me while we each sit next to each other while getting our feet done.

"We're doing great. He treats me with so much respect and he's always there to just listen to me. He makes me feel so loved." I say and Megan's eyes widen. 

"Hold up! You love him?" She asks and I look at them both before nodding my head. 

"He's said that he loves me as well." I casually say making them both squeal. 

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