When I got in my room I stripped out of the clothes I had on throwing them on the floor and climbed into bed grabbing my phone and calling Kaia. We talked on the phone every night until we fell asleep . Whenever her mama was out of town for business she would call me because she was scared in the house by herself and now it was a nightly routine . Milan and Icesis were jealous as fuck of our relationship because it was obvious who she loved more .

I really didn't like them hoes , Icesis was cool to a certain extent but I couldn't stand Milan's ass . I felt like they were only her friends for popularity but I couldn't tell her nothing about them because that was her bitches. " I was just about to call you " Kaia said as answered my facetime call

" Sorry I took so long I was talking to my pops " I said propping my phone up on my pillow so I wouldn't have to hold it in my hand.

" About us ? " She asked and I nodded .

" He asked how we felt about your mom and he asked if you and I had something going on " I said and she laughed.

" Imagine if we did that would've been like incest " she said .

" Forreal and whenever we move in together stay out of Eddies room " I warned her and she started laughing again.

" What his nasty ass said ? " She asked .

" Nothing just talking about how he'd fuck with you if you gave him the chance but I know that wouldn't happen because you're too sprung over Cassius' ass " I said. I honestly didn't get the big deal over that nigga , he was a hoe and he fucked everybody so I didn't get why girls were pressed on talking to a nigga who fucked everybody .

Kaia was too pretty to be fucking with a nigga that's was going to make her just another one of his hoes . She deserved to be with somebody who would treat her like a queen and be all for her but she didn't listen to me so I just hoped that he didn't break her heart , but if he did i would be here for her with my shoulder waiting .

" Speaking oh him I talked to him today he apologized for what Meeka did and invited me over to his house tomorrow " She said .

" For what ? " I asked . I knew he only wanted to fuck and I just hoped she was as smart as I thought she was and he didn't give him any . She'd been holding onto her virginity too long to just give it up to someone who didn't deserve it.

" Watch Tv " She said and I nodded my head .

" Remember what I told you okay ? " I reminded her and she nodded her head . " Now shutup I'm tired and we both gotta get up early tomorrow morning " I said.

" okay goodnight i love you " she said .

" I love you too " I said watching as she closed her eyes and I did the same letting sleep take over .

Just like always I woke up hearing Kaia make buku fucking noise getting dressed for school. I didn't even need an alarm because her loud ass or my loud ass brothers woke me up every morning .

I looked in the camera and seen her in the background drawing her eyes brows and I shook my head. Her ass came to school everyday looking like she was going on a runway and it wasn't that serious to me but I could understand why she did it .

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