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Jimin's POV

Chul throws another punch at me, his punches getting angrier and harder as they continue. The more time he has to beat me up in the middle of the room, the more he takes into consideration that I won't fight back and he can hit me as hard as he wants.

My eyes are closed, I don't want to see his fists flying at me, and I don't want to see the content look on his face as he beats me up. Most of all, I don't want to see the horrified and broken look on Taishi's face as he watches me get beaten up for her again.

Suddenly, the punches stop, but the pain is still rushing through my body, my face throbbing from the force that was once being thrown into it. I curl my body into a ball, my hands clutching my face as I try to deal with the immense pain shooting through it.

"Jimin!" It's Taishi. She's screaming for me, screaming in agony. She screams again, her voice sounding further away, continuing to become more faint and distant as she yells. "Jimin! Help me!"

I fight to ignore the pain rushing through my body, and I stand up, carrying myself to the door to find out where Taishi is going.

It's when I reach the door, though, that I realize that I'm too late. The car Chul arrived in is pulling out of the driveway, rushing down the street toward a place where I assume he will keep Taishi until he is finished with her or until someone finds her.

Taishi isn't going anywhere, she's being brought somewhere.

Taishi has been kidnapped.


I rush to the police station, there is absolutely no time to waste before I could potentially lose Taishi forever. There is no way I would basically watch her get kidnapped and not do everything in my power to get her back, even if I get hurt in the process.

The receptionist looks up slowly as I rush into the building, her eyes empty as she watches me approach her desk.

"Where's the Chief?" I ask, giving no more details to the reason for my presence.

"He's in a meeting in the-"

I don't give her time to continue what she's saying, I just tap my hands on her desk gently before rushing off in the direction of the meeting room that the police use to talk about their tasks for the day.

"Jungkook!" I raise my voice as I push open the door. I'm greeted by his disapproving look, along with other looks by policemen in full uniform.

"Jimin, I'm in a meeting right now," Jungkook says, his eyes narrowing at me. His head tilts a little to the side to gesture to the crowd before him, an almost polite way of telling me that he's busy.

"I'm sorry, but this really can't wait," I say, my eyes fixating on only him as a way to avoid the unimpressed glares I'm receiving from the other workers in the room.

"Jimin, I'm sure it can wait. I really have to get back to-"

"Taishi was kidnapped!" I raise my voice, his eyes widening at my sudden outburst.

Jungkook doesn't say anything, he just rushes toward me, pushing me out of the room and through the building to his own office. The door closes behind us and he pushes his back against the closed door, his eyes filled with anger as he stares at the floor.

"Do you know who kidnapped Taishi?" His voice is calm, but his facial expressions are anything but.

"His name is Chul."

"Last name?"

"I-I don't know," I say with uncertainty. "I really wish I knew."

Jungkook sighs before walking over to his desk, his hands resting on the wooden surface as he leans over it. "Do you have anything else that could help?" He nearly growls. "If you don't have anything other than a first name, this is going to be very complicated, maybe even impossible."

The way he is acting is very strange as opposed to usual. He is generally very professional when it comes to things like this, not trying to have any real emotions so the investigation doesn't get any more complicated than it has to be.

This time, however, is much different. Instead of sitting at his computer and reassuring me to be calm, he is the one who looks everything but calm. His eyes are nearly bulging out of his head, he is scared and worried. It's almost as if he has feelings for Taishi.

"I have her phone with me, if that helps," I say calmly, ignoring any thought that pops into my head that isn't about rescuing Taishi.

Jungkook's eyes shoot up at me, his hand reaching out to me. "Give it to me."

"I'm not just gonna give you her phone, Jungkook," I scowl. "I'll go through her contacts and find him. We can go on from there."

I walk to the chair in front of his desk and sit down, pulling Taishi's phone out of my pocket. The phone unlocks when I press my thumb against the home button, and her lock screen sits there, everything completely in my control.

I scroll through the contacts for a few moments, searching frantically for the one name I need to find.

After a lot of scrolling, I find it. The single word, Chul, sits under my thumb, tempting me to click on the contact.

"I found it," I say in a soft tone, my eyes glued to the phone screen.


"His phone number."

Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief. "Fucking call the number so we can track him."

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