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"Taishi, babe, your phone is ringing!" Jimin's voice rings through my head, pulling me away from the book I am silently reading on the couch in the living room.

This morning, Jimin insisted on making breakfast, leaving me to do as I please to pass the time. Of course, being who I am, I chose to leave my phone with him in the kitchen, and read a book in the silence of the living room.

I jump up from the couch, my nearly broken bookmark keeping my page for me as I run into the kitchen and scoop my phone up off of the counter.

"Thank you, Jiminnie," I smile before answering the call and holding the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Uh, hi, Taishi," the all too familiar voice speaks into my ear. "It's Chul."

"I know, silly," I giggle. "Caller ID exists. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you could take my shift, tonight?" His voice sounds awkward as if he can't speak to me, as if he can't form words while in my verbal presence.

I furrow my brows. "Did no one tell you I can't go to work?" I ask, my voice holding a slight amount of shock as I speak to him.

He chuckles. "No one tells me anything, Taishi," there is an awkward pause for a moment before he speaks again. "What happened?"

"You're serious?" I ask, my voice full of shock, eyes widening as this sudden news. "No one told you I was stabbed and almost died?"

"Way to be subtle," Jimin whispers.

I roll my eyes and place a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Chul, are you still there?" I ask, wondering where he disappeared to.

"I'll be over in fifteen minutes," are the last words he speaks to me before ending the call, the line dialling out before I hang up the phone as well.

I shrug it off as nothing, confused as to why he rushed the call like he did, wondering why he was coming over even though he had to work.

My mind is immediately pulled away from my thoughts as Jimin drops the spatula in his hand into the sink. I sit down at the table, watching with a smile as he brings two plates over to the table, placing them both down gently before retrieving two glasses of juice from the counter.

"Thank you, love," I chuckle. "I really appreciate it."

"What are boyfriends for?" A wide smile spreads across his soft features as he sits down beside me, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek before picking up his knife and fork. "I'm not really a chef, but I hope you like it."

"There's really no way you can mess up waffles, babe," I smile widely at his worried expression. I kiss his cheek. "I love it, thank you."


As Jimin and I finish our peaceful meal, there is an aggressively loud banging on the front door to my house. With a loud sigh, I leave the kitchen and walk through the living room to the front door.

When the door isn't even halfway open, it is pushed open the rest of the way, and Chul steps into my home. His expression is nearly blank, yet he looks as though he wants to take care of me.

"I came as fast as I could," he says, nearly losing his breath as he stands in front of me.

It takes him a moment to catch his breath, but before he can speak again, Jimin enters the room. Chul turns to him, his expression falling angry as he looks at the fluffy haired boy standing in the center of the living room.

"What is he doing here?" Chul growls, my eyes widening at his sudden outburst.

"He's my boyfriend, Chul," I say awkwardly, my voice small and barely audible.

I guess that Chul heard me because his eyebrows move from their angered position to a more soft and annoyed position. He turns to me quickly, grabbing my shoulders with strange force, his eyes staring into my soul.

"You weren't supposed to end up with him," he says, his voice cracking. "You were supposed to end up with me!"

I don't know what to say, my eyes just stay locked with his, moving between eyes as I think of what to say to him.

"You said you didn't like me like that," I choke, my eyes slicking over with a light layer of tears. "You said you were too old for me."

"Please, tell me you've only been dating for a short time," his voice is soft, but his fingers are digging further into my skin the more time progresses.

"Chul, you're hurting me," I squeak, trying to pull away from the rough grasp on my shoulders.

"Tell me I have time to change your mind!" He yells in my face, shaking my body as he does so.

This was my breaking point. Tears begin to stream down my cheeks; I'm scared, to say the least. I don't know what to do, how to react, what to even say to the man falling to pieces in front of me.

"Chul, I think it's time you leave," Jimin speaks up from behind Chul, his hand touching his shoulder gently. "Taishi clearly doesn't want you here."

Chul's grip on my shoulders weakens, and he pulls away from me, turning to Jimin with fury in his eyes.

"You don't speak for her!" Chul yells, his arm cocking back and his hand forming into a fist. His hand flys forward quickly, hitting Jimin directly in the nose.

"Don't hit him!" I scream, my voice broken as I watch Jimin get beaten up for me once again. I grab Chul by the arm and put all of my strength into pulling him away from my boyfriend. "Chul! Stop!"

Chul stops, leaving the room nearly silent aside from the sounds of me holding back all my tears. He turns around, leaving Jimin writhing in pain on the living room floor, his hands clutching his face.

Chul stares at me for a moment, his expression seeming very broken as he looks at me. "I'm so sorry, but I have to do this."

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