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"Alright, kiddos," Jina says with a yawn, her voice distant. "It's midnight, you should all get to bed."

I blink my eyes open and see Jimin's kind eyes smiling down at me, my head resting on his lap. "You let me fall asleep," I say, my voice coming out as barely a whisper.

"Do you want me to carry you upstairs?"

I smile and nod slowly before feeling his hands snake their way under my body, lifting me up bridal style. He stands up and steadies himself before carrying me up the stairs. He's careful as he walks, making sure not to trip and put either of us in danger of getting hurt.

"Here we are," Jimin smiles as he lays me down on the bed gently. He pulls the blanket up over my body and kisses my forehead gently before beginning to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I ask sleepily as I grab his wrist.

"To sleep on the floor," he responds quietly, not wanting to scare me with any loud noises.

"Stay with me," I say sweetly, pouting as he looks at me.

Jimin stares at me for a moment, unsure of whether or not to listen to my words. He lets out a loud sigh before walking around his bed and crawling under the covers. He stays near the edge of the bed, so close he looks as though his body is going to fall off the edge.

"Closer," I whisper, my tired eyes becoming heavier. "I don't bite."

He sighs and slides closer, leaving about a foot between him and the edge of the bed.

"Closer," I giggle.

He slides closer, as per my request, his eyes gazing into mine as I grab a hold of his hand, entwining our fingers together.

I yawn. "Jimin," he hums. I blink roughly, trying to wake myself up, and force my eyes open so that I'm staring into his. "I really like you, Jiminnie."

He chuckles softly, his hand coming down to cup my chin. "I really like you, too," he kisses my forehead softly, his plump lips gentle against my skin. "Go to sleep, princess. I'll be here when you wake up."

I nod gently before closing my eyes, unconsciously moving closer to Jimin so my head is resting against his chest. "Goodnight, beautiful milkshake boy."


As I open my eyes, I expect to see Jimin sleeping soundly next to me. His eyes closed softly, his chubby cheek resting gently against the pillow beneath his head, his pink plump lips parted gently as he breathes quietly, his fluffy blond hair messily touching the soft fabric of the pillowcases.

What I wished to see, I didn't get. In the bed next to me is not the man I fell asleep beside, but an empty spot, cold from lack of bodily contact.

I furrow my brows before rolling onto the floor, using the bed to help me stand up. I walk toward Jimin's closet and grab a large black hoodie before slipping it over my crop top. The hoodie is long enough to cover my shorts, so it looks like I'm not wearing pants, but I remain unbothered.

"Good morning," Jihyun says as I walk into the kitchen, his body hovering over a bowl placed in front of him on the kitchen island.

I rub my eyes and sit on a barstool near where he's standing. "You're not supposed to be nice," I say as I stare at him with confused eyes. "You're supposed to hit on me when I breathe."

He chuckles. "I only do that when Jimin is around to annoy him," he says as he throws something into the bowl in front of him. "I'm actually a nice guy."

"Speaking of Jimin," I say as I look around the room. "Where is he?"

"He went to dance practice," Jihyun explains. "He only has them Sundays and Wednesdays, but sometimes he shows up on random days when he thinks he needs to put in more work or remove stress."

"I assume you're close with him, then?"

"Very," he nods. "We always have been."

I raise my eyebrow and smirk at him. "Have you ever flirted with the girls he brings home for real. Like, not as a way to annoy him?"

Jihyun freezes and clears his throat. "Well," he swallows. "There's only one that I've actually found attractive."

I rest my head on my hand to show him I'm interested. "Who?"

"You," he mumbles.

"Hm?" I hum, pretending I didn't hear him.

"Listen, Taishi," he whispers as he leans over the counter. He looks towards the entrance for a moment before turning back to me. "Jimin has brought over a few cute girls in my time, but you're the most beautiful one I've seen. I mean, look at you, you're a bombshell."

I feel a hot blush burn its way through my cheeks, my hands quickly coming up to cover my embarrassment. "Thank you," I whisper, my eyes trying to avoid his gaze.

"Not sure how your brothers gonna feel about you hitting on his girlfriend, Jihyun," a deep voice speaks from behind us. We both spin quickly to see a tall male in a suit standing in the doorway. "I'm their father, Jungmin."

"I'm Taishi," I respond. We shake hands quickly and awkwardly before Jungmin turns to Jihyun, a very parental look on his face.

"I don't want you flirting with any girl Jimin brings home ever again," Jungmin says sternly. "This time your secret's safe with me, but if I hear it happen again, your brother will be hearing about it."

Jungmin leaves the house, leaving Jihyun and me in an awkward silence.

I clear my throat after a few minutes and stand up. "Pancakes sound good?"

"I'll get the bowls," Jihyun rushes to the cupboard and grabs a few bowls - which he nearly drops - and rushes back to the counter before helping me grab the ingredients for the pancakes.

We don't speak another word to each other the whole, neither of us knowing what to say after what we both just experienced.

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