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As Jimin and I rush into the courthouse, we see Jungkook standing in the foyer in full police uniform. I can't help but check him out as we walk toward him, quickly snapping my eyes away from him as I realize what I'm doing.

"Right this way," Jungkook says as he begins to walk down a long corridor, leading us to the doors to one of the courtrooms. He stops at the doors and turns to us. "I found you a witness, but he didn't have time to show up. He was one of the boys standing in the front of the crowd in the corner when the fight was happening."

"Thank you, Jungkook," I say with a smile.

His doe eyes light up at my sincerity. "I'm on your side," he lowers his voice into a whisper. "In the room, I have to pretend I have no side, but the evidence points to Alice being guilty."

"Can't you lose your job if they find out you have a biased opinion on us?" Jimin asks, his arms wrapping around me.

Jungkook chuckles. "What are friends for?"

Neither Jimin nor I respond to his words, for the door to the courtroom has opened and Jungkook is leading us inside.

"Your Honour," Jungkook speaks as he walks through the gate at the front, leading us to the area near the bench. "Park Jimin and Choi Taishi are present."

The judge doesn't speak, she just nods and gestures to a table off to the side where my lawyer is sitting, a briefcase in front of her. Jungkook leads us to the table, his hand placed randomly on the small of my back. Jimin and I sit down near our lawyer, Jungkook disappearing to stand beside the judge's bench.


Alice is called up to the bench first, fake tears staining her cheeks, her eyes dark with mischief. She is put under oath by Jungkook and is sat at the bench to be questioned.

My lawyer stands up and approaches the bench. "Miss. Kim," she says as she folds her hands in front of her body. "Why did you kidnap Mr. Park?"

Alice's eyes go wide. "Kidnap? I didn't kidnap him."

"Kidnapping is the act of taking someone into a different room against their will," she snaps back, her voice calm. She spins to Jimin, his body falling stiff. "Did you want to go with her, Mr. Park?"

Jimin shakes his head. "No, ma'am."

My lawyer nods before turning back to the stands. "Miss. Kim, is there a reason you pulled him from the room."

"I-I just wanted to talk," Alice stutters.

Yeah, talk my ass.

"What did you talk about?" My lawyer asks again, not skipping a beat.

Alice swallows hard. "I don't remember."

My lawyer nods. "No further questions, Your Honour," she spins on her heel before walking back to the table Jimin and I are still sitting at, a determined smile on her face.

Alice's lawyer stands and walks to the bench. "Your Honour, I would like to call Park Jimin to the stand."

"Park Jimin, please approach the bench," Jungkook says as he walks to the bench, book in hand, ready to put Jimin under oath.

Alice is quick to hop from the bench and scurry to the table where her lawyer was sitting previously. She crosses her arms on the table, slouching as she stares at the table in front of her, not quite sure of what to do next.

"Mr. Park," Alice's lawyer says, her voice booming throughout the almost empty room. "What were you doing when Alice supposedly kidnapped you?"

"Sitting at my desk, waiting for Taishi to come to class," Jimin answers quickly, not lying about any part of his side of the story.

Alice's lawyer nods at Jimin, her hands crossing behind her back. "Mr. Park, what is your relationship with Taishi?"

"Objection, Your Honour, their relationship is irrelevant," my lawyer says as she stands up, looking at the judge with amazing eye contact as she should.

"Sustained," the judge replies, averting her attention back to Alice's lawyer.

"Mr. Park," her lawyer speaks, her voice sounding annoyed. "Please tell, in detail, what happened before Miss. Choi entered the room."

Jimin nods before straightening his posture slightly. He looks at the lawyer for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I wasn't even there when she showed up."

"Do you not recall when Miss. Choi attacked Miss. Kim during class?"

Jimin scrunches his eyebrows. "Why are you talking about what happened a month ago?"

"Mr. Park, answer the question," the bitchy lawyer of the even bitchier girl says, her voice stern.

My lawyer stands up once more, adjusting her pencil skirt before speaking. "Objection, Your Honour," she speaks up, her voice clear as day. "Charges were pressed on an occurrence three days ago, the questions being asked are irrelevant."

"Sustained," the judge speaks before turning to Alice's lawyer. "You better start asking relevant questions."

Alice's lawyer takes a deep breath. "When Alice pulled you from the room, how did she manage to take you with her without you fighting back? Surely you're strong enough to pull from her grasp."

"She told me she would stab me if I tried to run," Jimin says calmly, his eyes shutting roughly before opening again. He opens his eyes and takes a deep breath. "I didn't believe her, until she showed me a pocket knife hooked around her belt."

I twitch at the thought of Alice trying to stab Jimin, having him be the one injured rather than me. My jaw clenches and I look away from Jimin, my eyes catching sight of Jungkook, his eyes meeting with mine awkwardly.

He looks concerned at the way my jaw is clenched, the hurt in my eyes causing his expression to soften. I turn away when I see how much he is paying attention to my expressions, rather than to do his job. 

My posture straightens and I try my hardest to pay attention to the case rather than the pair of black doe eyes constantly gazing at me from the other side of the room.

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